Auto Hebdo have reported that Helmut Marko met with de Vries in Graz in Austria. According to their reports, the Red Bull advisor met with the Dutchman to discuss his move to AlphaTauri.
12:54, 17th Sept 2022.
Abby Bathurst

De Vries impressed the paddock whilst racing in Monza for Williams. Auto Hebdo stated that Marko and de Vries are said to have: “agreed on a move of [de Vries] to AlphaTauri next season, where he is expected to race alongside Yuki Tsunoda.”

This would be an interesting move for the Dutchman as he is currently the Mercedes Reserve Driver and has raced for Mercedes in Formula E. Toto Wolff, Mercedes’ Team Principal, said earlier this year that Mercedes “can’t really tell any team to look” at de Vries because it would “be felt as interference.”

De Vries also commented on his future after Monza, saying that getting on the Formula One grid is “out of [his] control”. But many thought he was likely to have secured his seat at Williams after out-performing Latifi. However, with the potential of a seat at AlphaTauri, de Vries’s future is now up for more speculation.

‘Agreed on a move of [de Vries] to AlphaTauri’;

Nyck de Vries set to be rewarded with Formula 1 seat as Alpha Tauri are ‘close’ to agreeing move for Italian Grand Prix debutant star, allowing Pierre Gasly to complete Alpine switch
17th September 2022, 4:45 pm
Connor Andrews

The 27-year-old decimated fellow Williams driver Nicholas Latifi in both qualifying and the race, and with only Albon signed for next season, the Canadian’s seat appeared to be in jeopardy.

De Vries outscored Latifi’s point tally for the season in just a single race, while his two points make up 33 per cent of Williams’ 2022 total in the constructors standings.

However, Williams’ inactivity in nailing down De Vries has been pounced upon by Alpha Tauri, with reports in the Netherlands claiming a deal is ‘close’ to completion. De Telegraph report that once current Alpha Tauri driver Pierre Gasly has sealed his move to Alpine, De Vries will step in as his replacement.

‘Nyck de Vries set to be rewarded with Formula 1 seat as Alpha Tauri’;

AlphaTauri contract for De Vries ready
Today, ‎15‎:‎45
Author Rory Mitchell
Co-author Ruud Dimmers

Dutchman looks set to join AlphaTauri in 2023 after meetings with Helmut Marko in Austria. Nyck de Vries has been a man in demand for several teams including Alpine and Williams, however it looks like Red Bull will snatch up the Formula E world champion has learned.

After meeting with Red Bull motorsport advisor Helmut Marko, the Dutchman looks set to join AlphaTauri for 2023 and pair with Yuki Tsunoda. Things still depend on whether Red Bull will enable Pierre Gasly to make a switch to Alpine to replace Fernando Alonso, as previously reported.

‘Dutchman looks set to join AlphaTauri’;

De Vries linked to possible AlphaTauri agreement
17/09/2022 at 13:49
Andrew Lewin

Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported on Saturday morning that the Dutchman paid a visit this week to the Graz office of Red Bull motorsports consultant Dr Hellmut Marko. This has subsequently been confirmed by

Now French publication AUTOHebdo has gone further than that, and stated that the discussion was more advanced than originally thought and that an agreement has already been reached on the move

In a tweet (translated from the original French), AUTOhebdo said it was "able to confirm the information that de Vries and Helmut Marko have met in Graz, and they are said to have agreed on a move of the 27-year-old Dutchman to Alpha Tauri next season, where he is expected to race alongside Yuki Tsunoda."

‘An agreement has already been reached’;

Nyck de Vries to replace Alpine-bound Pierre Gasly at AlphaTauri – report
Saturday 17th September 2022 3:10 PM
Jon Wilde

How would Mercedes view Nyck de Vries joining the Red Bull camp? It does beg the question of how Mercedes would feel about seeing a driver who has been immersed with them for three years, winning a Formula E World Championship, to up and leave for Red Bull.

Toto Wolff has said more than once he is extremely limited in what more he can to do help De Vries fulfil his F1 dream, for which he has been waiting since he won the Formula 2 title in 2019.

“I can’t really help him,” said the Mercedes head of motorsport after De Vries drove in FP1 for the Silver Arrows at the French Grand Prix in July.

‘How would Mercedes view Nyck de Vries joining the Red Bull camp?’;