Quote Originally Posted by ioan
Two things in attorney's statement don't check out:

1. When he says: "From what I've learned, many types of offences can be identified, such as aggravated damage or sporting fraud" He is not mentioning an other charge: aggravated assault. That's because, according to the magistrate leading this investigation, sabotaging an engine (well...in this case at least two) you also jeopardize the life of the drivers that at the moment are driving these cars a such amazing speeds.

2. When he says: "On the matter of Stepney being unreachable, it must not be considered as an attempt to flee. I'm convinced he is on vacation and in the dark about this story'

If Stepney is on vacation and unaware of this situation, who hired his attorney? Ferrari?

An other interesting story that's developping amoung the Italian tifosi, is last year Schumacker's engine problem. It had not occured in 6 years, and all of the sudden, in a very crucial moment of the championship, his engine blows up in flames. Given the fact that Stepney then was still with the team, would he have any thing to do with it? The saga continues.