Quote Originally Posted by Nitrodaze View Post
Well you just proved that l was right all along. You don't like him as a person. I have no interest why. But that clearly taints your posts about him. That you don't like him as a person do not make you racist. But it sure show in your post very clearly. And going around calling people fanboy does not endear you to them either. So you should not be surprised when you get stick for it.

I have clearly stated that l do not think you are a racist, at least l have not read any very clear racist posts from you. I have however said your post are so strongly of disliike for Hamilton such that it appears as if you begrudge him his success. My choice of words were not impeccable and l apologized for that.

I dont have to like particular people just because you do. Its a free world and this isnt a Lewis Hamilton forum.

You are full of crap.. How you can clearly say/imply I am racist, then deny you have said/implied it... then apolgise for a 'not impeccable' choice of words. Thats a fake apology and so an unacceptable one.

I reckon you probably do have Hamilton pics on your wall and thats why you are so pissed at me.

Have a lovely day.