Quote Originally Posted by Bagwan View Post
My family is from Africa originally .
Back then , we hated those neanderthals , the Neanderthals .
They called us "Homos" .

This has been going on for a long time , kids .

Racism isn't funny , but I , personally , like to make fun of it .

And , I laughed out loud when I read Big Ben's post .
He was making fun of the gesture Lewis made , and the general feeling of self-importance he projects .
I got the joke .

Nobody openly bristled at my "black liveries matter" post .
Maybe everyone got the joke .
I do have a sense of humour as the next guy. But there are some things that are so serious such that jokes about it becomes insulting. I also understand that it is disconcerting to be confronted with such a touchy subject such as racism. I know l would typically do my best to avoid discussing it in the first place. But this incident has made it unavoidably necessary to look to the issue of racism in this day and age dead on and try to understand how l facilitate it or condone it in my daily social interactions. It is ubiquitous and we have been socially engineered to behave in racist ways from our various perspective. Hence, it happens between any differences in social demographics. Within races, across races, between nations, across sexual orientations, from able bodied against the disabled, across religion and across skin complexion.

It has been the root of many useless wars of old. It has curtailed the growth of peoples across the globe. It has fired the bellies of terrorists. It has made us as humans to be less than we aspire to be even in the face of the briliant inventions and deeds that we do. It has made us small.