Quote Originally Posted by Norm75 View Post
Yes us Brits are not very bright. By the way, that world wide web that you're using to communicate with us thickos on, British invention. And the telephone wire that you're internet is connected to, oh . . British invention.
And, maybe, you watch rallying on your television . . . Guess what! Oh, you might be sitting in a house, held together with cement, which is . . Yes you've guessed it. And when it gets dark, you might want to turn that British invention called a light bulb on.

And, just for sick dogs like you when you're feeling ill, thank the Brits for the antibiotics that help you feel better.
that sentence proves it....

get that inferiority syndrome elsewhere... the general british population are mud eating simpletons... your intelligence is as good as comprehending the latest episode of eastenders...

You also owe a lot to greeks but the general greek population are the worst socially uneducated trash you ever come across...