Fantastic fight in Rali de Amarante/Baião: Barros lead the event with Fontes always close to him but on the final stages Fontes pushed hard and managed to get the first overall win with the C3. Araújo was P3 in front of Teodósio and he’s now quite close to become 2018 CPR champion. Good debut on a R5 car for Gago, not far from the top 5 and making no mistakes. Bernardo Sousa briefly returned to the CPR, winning 2wd category on a 208 R2 run by his own team (BS Motorsport).

Btw, great effort from the organizers on their debut at the CPR; it was a nice rally to spectate, with SS’s all quite close and run on a easy to follow schedule; still we missed the fantastic gravel stages of the region and we can only hope they’ll return to this event on a near future.