Quote Originally Posted by dj_bytedisaster View Post
No, like backing off if you see that your team mate is in a position to make it impossible for you to pass without taking a risk. Nico has backed out of moves countless time where Lewis gave him a simple choice: back off or crash. This time it was Nico's turn and Lewis chose the crash option. He should have know that Nico would use every trick in the book, even dirty ones, to avoid getting mugged in the last lap, simply because he would have done exactly the same.
It was too late to back out by the time he was squeezed. Not being able to see the guy about to crash into you doesn't help. Nico should have taken the inside line and cut Lewis off at the apex like Hamilton did to him previously.

It backfired on Nico and once again he walks away looking like the mug. If this really is about playing Lewis at his own game, he's bad at pulling it off.