I got bored today at Uni so i decided to do something most people with internet access do at one stage... i googled myself...

typed my first name and last name into google and see what comes up

to my surprise i found something that was tragic yet so unbelieveably freaky

I typed my name in and it turns out i was killed in Iraq, as a US Soldier. but the freaky part was that this soldier, who was killed last year, was the same age as me! He was killed late last year and he was twenty, i turned 20 last August. So there is someone on the other side of the world, same age, same name (and i dont have a common name like John Smith etc etc)...

I also play Rugby League in the Sydney Independent Catholic Colleges competition... which is slightly ironic being Australian and a lover of Rugby League, but im not a sydney sider or attended a catholic college

I'm also an actor who was in one movie in the late 1980's and a canadian athelete

oh and i own a cafe in new york...

Wow, im talented