Watched it on YouTube and fast forwarded through quite a bit. The camera production made it difficult to watch at times. This is screaming out to be included in the F1 calendar.

Firstly, this is not the future.

Secondly, the cars didn't seem to be equal even though they obviously must be. Driver performance maybe?

I'm still trying to work out why Heidfeld closed the gap on that last straight when he wasn't seeming to make any headway previously. Nice move by Prost jnr on a narrow and dicey track. I'm surprised Heidfeld didn't punch and kick him...

My thoughts:

Lose the safety car and just stop them on the grid.

Lose the parade lap. They don't use tyre warmers and go straight out cold from the pits after the car change so why bother with that first lap crawl?

Lose the car change. Its just silly. A battery swap I could understand but I guess they'd spill too much steaming hot coolant so pass on that idea. A car swap with minimum times and stop watches is just trying too hard in my view. They'd be better served having the second car actually starting on the grid.

It all looks good but I fear the enthusiasm won't last.

2 x 5 lap races incorporated into the Saturday and Sunday Formula 1 race weekends would be quite a novelty and allow Formula E to grow its profile and establish some form of race cred. That driver stable would actually have F1 fans asking for their autographs so it makes sense to have them participate in the F1 weekends.

If they continue to go it alone I think it will have a loyal fan base of friends and family. The cars will always sound like a failing bearing and, realistically, who would pay to listen to that more than once?