Dang, that Nibali is something. One thing I really feel sorry about is Nico Roche losing all that time when he crashed and then had to wait around for Contador who to me never looked comfortable. Froome got caught in the most unfortunate of accidents. Poor guy must have been in agony. Good guy and seems to be well liked by everyone except Sir Bradly (sic). Suspicious of that guy. Why no more tours. The Yates kids seem good. Dan Martin would have been a good rival for Nibali. Although I do believe he is on drugs, there is a suspicion for me at least about all these guys coming from nowhere. Same thing at the Giro.
One thing that was great at this tour was the start. The French could not match the enthusiasm of the launch in the UK. What amazing crowds. Sad to see Cavendish fall. He was lucky not to have been killed. The amount of energy when he hit the ground on his back made me cringe. Classy the way he took the blame.