(Part 922 in a series of stories about people abdicating responsibilty for their own actions.)

New reserarch has decided that if you're shovelling hamburgers down your throat all day then it's not actually your fault, it's society (for which read "the government") to blame.

No matter that nobody forced you to pay more for a crappy fat-laden ready meal than it would have cost to knock up a healthy alternative. No matter that it only takes a few minutes to boil or steam some veg. No matter that apples are cheaper than choccy bars - it's not your fault.


I get angry when I see parents in supermarkets buying all manner of crap for their brattish demanding offspring, and I feel sorry for the kids becuase their impending obesity genuinely isn't their fault.

But any adult with more than 29 brain cells who deliberately and willfully chooses to eat crap and not exercise does very little to earn my sympathy.

I'll probably get shot down in flames for this, with people citing glandular problems or somesuch claptrap, but to try shifting the blame for obesity to "society" is to live in denial.

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