We seem to have this same discussion here every five years or so. It is quite easy to list several locations that have the basic ingredients of snow and stage length to hold a WRC round. However, any new WRC Organiser would face challenges far greater than if organising a gravel or tarmac round. Consider just one item like officials and their vehicles. It is hard enough to get sufficient numbers of each for three days or longer normally, now add the fact that they will be on stage in snow and minus temperatures (remember the ambulance issue at Monza!) and it will be twice as hard or expensive! Also, in the case of Japan (and Canada, I think) there is a huge legal hurdle to overcome as spike tyres are banned on most public roads. OK, an unlimited budget can overcome most things, but without strong government support I cannot see a second winter WRC round ever being held outside of the Nordic countries..........(thinks a bit)..... Hey, what about Russia?