the main problem of rich kids and sons off is that they hire the best teams, hire the best trainers, have the most test days, drive the most rallies, ...
because of that, they can seen to be more talented then they are, since they come up against others that have to do with little resources. other drivers who might be more talented but don't have the connections or money, drivers who have almost no testing and no-one to tell them what to do.

but once you get into the very top of the sport, you suddenly don't have that advantage anymore. then you're up against other on an equal level, and it's down to raw talent. and that little lack that they have managed to compensate through experience throughout their career, now can't be compensated anymore.

that is why loeb was so successful, that is why ogier is so successful, that is why tanak and neuville are so successful. they didn't pay their way up, they beat their opponents everywhere and every time on equal terms.
they just were the very best from the beginning of their career.