Some differences between the Belgian and Brazilian demographics.

Population in Brazil 213,4 million, in Belgium 11,7 million.
Median age in Brazil is 33,2, in Belgium 41,6.
Percentage of population older than 65: In Brazil 9,21%, in Belgium 19,21%

Higher percentage of Belgians are older than 65 than in Brazil, but the number of people in in the 65+ age group in Brazil is greater than the population of Belgium. Also in Brazil the hospitalisation rate of younger than 65 has been on the rise for some time.

Instead of giving you the GDPs of the two countries, here are the number of hospital beds per 1000 people in the country. In Belgium it's 5,7, while in Brazil it's 2,1.

This pandemic will scar the society for a long time. It's not just the deaths, but also the polarisation of people, higher number of people expressing their more extreme leaning opinions, the mental toll on people (be it the healthcare workers or people stuck in their reduced world) and also overloaded healthcare system which most likely has or will result in later health issue discoveries.