Quote Originally Posted by Simmi View Post
Can't wait to be walking through a forest and find myself met with a silent oncoming rally car.
I have no objection. I like the excitement of noisy cars but I feel that motorsport will continue and continue to be fun at a lower volume. If volume seems to be people's biggest problem with it, I can tell it's coming.

Maybe it's my own hearing sensitivity (I have to block my ears when I'm close to rally cars, even ambulance sirens), but I think that in time today's complaints will look like the people who didn't believe in wearing helmets in American football, or drivers' aids, or any other new feature that detracts from the "purity" of any motorsport.

And electric power gives you the opportunity for a 350-380hp world rally car to have maximum torque at any time, which (with the right regulations) can make for extremely exciting driving, especially on gravel/snow/ice/mud. As several people on this forum have pointed out, loads of torque and less grip = more sideways (of course sacrificing cornering speed). Not everyone may want that style of rally, but not everyone wants ever cleaner tarmac-like performance on every surface either. In the end I think there is enough give and take that it will still be a fun sport to watch and participate in if this shift were to happen in the future.