I know this can be a touchy subject - it is actually - and it is one that has me filled with excitement.

In downtown Manhattan a group of people started a movement that has been growing exponentially and it will continue to do so as days go by.

At the beginning it was laughed at, ignored by the media but as days go by and the numbers of participants grow it has now taken center stage in our now "messed up US of A".

What will eventually happen, I do not know but what I do know is that if the White House isn't doing it, the people will demand that is done so - as it is intended with a true democracy and government that should be of the people.

There has to be a strong reaction to the present economical and political situation.

They are also getting more organized - and without a leader, but as a people, which is great.

Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube
