Quote Originally Posted by Starter
Sure, being that close to a race track is always hazardous for anybody. The corner workers know what the risks are and they accept that as part of being involved that closely in the sport, just as the drivers do. They just don't get paid for it. Though they are, by definition, amateurs they take great pride in the professionalism (in the best sense of the word) with which they help make road racing events happen. The safety of ALL participants is one of their goals. They are subject to potentially life threatening situations and accept it as part of doing the job right.
And on balance, corner working is no more hazardous than if you choose to ride a motorcycle, go water or snow sking, or climb a mountain as your hobby.
The danger from a cornerworkers job comes from the other drivers still in the race. In my opinion a lot of drivers, especially younger ones, do not have a clear appreciation of cornerworkers, and that this shows in their behaviour during yellows. This was sort of the point I was trying to make, that human behaviour sometimes prevents the simple solutions - in this case the choice between a local yellow or a FCY.