Here’s the latest one build on information from Mirek.

Ford Focus 06, 750 Nm @ ~3000 rpm & 350 hp @ 4500 hp. The graph is little mixed but I tried clear it up with the explanations on the chart.

There are three different curves. The blue and red torque curves are overlapped at the end. Red and green curves are overlapped in the beginning.

As you can see it’s again the same phenomena, the peak power is 365 hp @ 3900 rpm, not 350 hp @ 4500 rpm. At the en I made the power curve go true 300 hp @ 6000 rpm as Ford says on their web site. The two other are the torque peak moved to 3500 rpm. The red dotted power curve is overlapped with the blue curve. On this case peak power is 382 hp @ 3900 rpm, very close to the torque peak. The third one is the “original” moved to 3500 rpm as it was (not going true 300 hp @ 6000 rpm). As you can notice moving the torque curve from 3000 rpm to 3500 rpm increased the power from 365 hp to 413 hp so even few hundred differences in rpm have a huge impact on the peak power.

Otherwise this makes sense (torque peak between 3000 – 3500 rpm) because the Fords are also driven with very low revs, as Hoover machines, to quote Mirek.