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    WRC main class in 2025

    This. It's super easy and cheap to say what one doesn't want but it's pretty difficult to bring any viable options. Well, we just had the Euro elections

    Mirek Today, 16:34 Go to last post

    WRC main class in 2025

    Same answer. You can't bring any new manufacturers by giving them no time to decide and develop their own car. You only piss the already commited ones

    Mirek Today, 16:30 Go to last post

    WRC main class in 2025

    I'll repeat the answer again. Time. Any change which is done less than two years beforehand is completely meaningless because it can't bring any new manufacturers.

    Mirek Today, 16:28 Go to last post

    2024 Formula 1 Preview & Review.

    Piastri: McLaren coming away from Canada as top scoring team ‘a solid result’.
    Oscar Piastri eventually finished fifth in Montreal, and though

    Fortitude Today, 16:02 Go to last post

    WRC main class in 2025

    rally2, man.
    "oh but it will ruin the national championships", one may say.
    but its not like toyota would give ogier a factory

    saco0o Today, 13:39 Go to last post