Long time reader, first time poster of this forum.

I agree with the rationale of changing the points system but not wholly convinced by what has come up with. My two cents worth is as follows:

1) Overall classification (end of Sunday). Points to the top 10 finishers on the following scale - 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1

2) Power Stage points as current 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

3) Best Stage performance points bonus - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Essentially the top 5 stage performers get the bonus points. To apply this to Sweden it would be 5 (Rovanpera for 5 stage wins), 4 (Lappi for 4 stage wins), 3 (Neuville for 3 stage wins), 2 (Evans for 2 stage wins) and 1 (Katsuta for 1 stage win - same as Tanak/Linnamae/Fourmaux so then it would be most 2nd places as a tiebreak, or most 3rd places etc to break the tie).

I think this would make it much more difficult for the overall rally winner to not get the most overall points at the end as they are likely to have several stage wins in order to win the rally so would typically end up with at least 22/23 points before any power stage points are added. Also, it would incentivise pushing throughout as every stage counts towards points.

For Sweden the points under this system would be: Lappi 24 (20+0+4), Evans 21 (15+4+2), Fourmaux 12 (12+0+0), Neuville 16 (10+3+3), Rovanpera 10 (0+5+5), Tanak 2 (0+2+0), Katsuta 2 (0+1+1). This feels generally fairer and Lappi ends up scoring the most points!