Am I alone in finding it really annoying, that as a discussion digresses from the original point, and your in a full flown discussion, that the moderators (not their fault - they are only doing their jobs I know ) delete a post you spent typing up, just because one of the rules is to make sure you stick to the original topic.

For example, when discussion Kimi and Massa, and the conversation turns to how Montoya struggled to settle in at McLaren when he first joined, similar to how Kimi is now alongside Massa, I don't see why we need to create a brand new topic - can't it just be left in the same topic?

If there are a lot of people who are a bit fed up with being restricted in what you can talk about in certain topics, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask the moderators to ease up on how strict they are when it comes to discussions (naturally I think) deviating from the original topic.

However if I'm the only one who finds this annoying, let's just leave it as it is