Hey everyone! I'm the new guy in town. So, a little bit about me, and why I'm here.

I've always loved cars, as long as I can remember. I'm the kind of guy who can name nearly any car's make and model by just the taillights, and who slept with toy cars in my bed instead of stuffed animals. I'm an avid racing gamer, and enjoy anything that gives me the feeling of being behind the wheel. I've wanted to drive professionally since I was little, and it's the only interest I have that's never flagged. In recent years--the past two, for the most part--I've taught myself to drive, and to handle a car in a way that many would expect to be near impossible, if not fully so. More precisely, I've taught myself to drive insane roads at insane speeds in Honda Accords; not the sportiest of cars, but sufficiently quick and maneuverable enough that I can keep up with a WRX STI on curvy, crumbling asphalt roads through the woods. I've also met the Governor of Speed in the car I currently drive, a 2007 Accord. He resides at 130 miles per hour. So I know I'm not slow, and I know how to push a car to the brink of its handling; how to feel the front tires through the wheel and all four through the seat of my pants; how to recognize when either the front or back of the car is slipping and correct for it (though I wouldn't be able to put any of these feelings or actions into words. Cars are all instinct for me); how to run a car until its brakes are red-hot, literally, without crashing into guardrails. I have the perfect skill-set for racing, along with the right mindset. I'm sorry about the shameless plugging--not so shameless, really, I'm terribly sorry for it. But it's all driving towards my point.

Along with all that, I have certain neurological, psychological, and developmental issues that make traditional schooling nigh on impossible for me to complete. I often don't learn well in a classroom setting, and my ADHD, along with executive dysfunction, make doing homework a task to dwarf the building of the Colosseum. So racing, besides being my passion, is one of my very few opportunities to have a successful career in a field that pays well when done well. The only problem with this is that my family doesn't have the financial wherewithal to bring this low-hanging, delicious bud on the tree of my life to fruition. I can't even afford a kart at this point. So I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions, either regarding how to get myself into racing with essentially no money, or careers linked to racing that could hold my interest. I'm much obliged to anyone who suffered through all this insufferable blabbing, and will be more so to anyone who has any advice in this matter, whether or not it's viable for me.

Thanks for reading! Expect to see me around here a bit from now on, though I'll probably mostly be a spectator.

(Side note: Does anyone else agree that the 2012 Alfa Disco Volante concept is quite possibly the most beautiful car ever created?)
