Alson known as " Rampa de Cheleiros " ,and called " Prova Pericia Automovel"
is a test for all drivers, from the curious to the more experienced, it provide near 900mts of adrenaline and nerve reflexes.
It has a few years of existence and is a growing open community.Each year different cars and classes.
Here I drop the links to my personal view of the event , and to share to all of you that theres more motorsport than the top sports .
Feedback is well apreciated.

Rampa Cheleiros 10/06/2011 - YouTube

Rampa Cheleiros 11/06 2011 - YouTube

Ijx_Trailer Rampa_setembro2011 - YouTube

Rampa de Cheleiros 3 Setembro 2011 - YouTube

Rampa de Cheleiros 4 Setembro 2011 - YouTube

Rampa Cheleiros dia 04Setembro_the cuts - YouTube

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