So finally the rally world has something similar as world football ranking or ATP ranking in tennis - World Rally Ranking. The results that count are taken from WRC, ERC, IRC and national championships. The most points drivers can get in WRC (coefficient 15), then IRC (coeff. 14) and ERC (12). In national championships the coefficient is only 3.

Currently the highest ranked drivers are not surprisingly Loeb and Ogier. But third is Juho Hanninen, thanks to his successes in IRC. In my opinion this whole idea is quite interesting, although Matthew Wilson in 9th place is a disgrace to all talented drivers of the world.

The best rally country is... France? Finland? No! Italy. All thanks to numerous international successes of such drivers as Rossetti, Basso, Fontana and Andreucci. Czechs are second and Finns third. Poland is currently sixth rally force in the world

All statistics lovers, enjoy the ranking: