HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The 1st race for NASCAR is the Daytona 500, February 18th.
Today is the 10th, that means only 8 days until the race.

Usually the NASCAR PICKEMS thread is posted 14 days before the race.
I went to the pickems info page & nothing is there for NASCAR in 2007. (just the heading)
I don't mind helping out to expediate getting the NASCAR PICKEMS going.

I have posted the 2007 schedule in the manner it was done last year in the Pickems Forum.
It is in the Nascar thread below the drivers list.

Tell me what else I can do & give me the permission to do it.
I really would like to see the PICKEMS happen.
I will donate my time & effort to help make it happen.
Not only with NASCAR but with any of the other series too.
I expect nothing in return, I just want to help if I am permitted to.

(I also posted this in Forum Feedback because the issue is critical)