Quote Originally Posted by jso1985
alright let's start to discredit RD with other silly directives wich are probably false
but coming from msstillhere why I'm surprised?
I actually take no offense by your statement, since, in terms of making mistakes, I am in good company. In fact, according to the Spanish web site Marca.com (again) Lewis is not ENGLISH, but actually from the U.S.A.
"El estadounidense (Lewis) sufrió un accidente el pasado jueves en el que destrozó el chasis de su monoplaza."
Oooops!!(http://www.marca.com/edicion/marca/l...o/734144.html). That really shows how much the Spanish journalists know about F1. (In fact, I don't expect much, since they discovered this sport, what, TWO YEARS AGO?
In addition to that, for your information, I am not some kind of clown not trying documenting with tangible proof what I refer to. Specifically, I read this information on:
http://it.messages.sports.yahoo.com/...f=17&m=tm&rt=2. (It's in Italian, of course)
I NEVER SAID, actually, that I was totally positive about this info, (I don't know if you actually carefully read what I write) because I could not find a shred of link anywhere. However,based on how defensive you Alonso supporters are I think that you know way more that you are willing to admit and maybe, YOU can provide everybody with a link.