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Which market? Going down the SUV route would be suicide - No other major series use them. Time for revolution/ re-think, and use another type of road car........ Rallycross is dying a death,...
loeb just won a rally in france in a gt+ against the R5s. i dont know what a gt+ is tbh, it doesnt seems to be the same thing as erc's rgt class. are these gt+ faster than R5s or is just Loeb being...
https://www.instagram.com/stories/adrienfourmaux/3452108862431712923?igsh=MW5weGViM2wzM3JoZw== A bit of rain in service park
Probably. I still think he should be leaning on the "take it easy" side. A similar score to Ogier and Tanak over the weekend is okay, a 0 would mean being already caught by your rivals. We'll see...
You want to use road cars for what you call off-road motorsport?
WRC mainclass from 2027