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View Full Version : Farewell Jacarepagua?

9th January 2008, 08:57
The Jacarepagua circuit will be demolished to make way for an Olympic park if Rio de Janeiro is chosen as the venue for the 2016 Olympic Games.

The circuit hosted 10 GP's between 1978-1989.

9th January 2008, 13:18

That was a great circuit even though it was flat.

Too young to remember seeing the F1 cars there though I do have good memories when CART raced on the roval in the 1990s. Greg Moore amazingly passed Alex Zanardi on the outside into T1.

Mark Blundell had brake failure at 200mph and crashed head-on into the concrete wall and amazingly broke his leg!

9th January 2008, 13:29
Mark Blundell had brake failure at 200mph and crashed head-on into the concrete wall and amazingly broke his leg!

Amazingly as in that is all he broke, I presume? Hitting something at 200mph and breaking a leg seems quite a natural result, that's all.

As for Jacarepagua, my favourite memories were of the pre-season test sessions that were held there up until the mid-80's. It was as the time the first chance to see that seasons new cars all together.

For some reason (probably age!) the first Barcelona/Jerez test of the year doesn't seem quite so exciting or exotic.

9th January 2008, 18:49

That was a great circuit even though it was flat.

Too young to remember seeing the F1 cars there though I do have good memories when CART raced on the roval in the 1990s. Greg Moore amazingly passed Alex Zanardi on the outside into T1.

May Greg rest in peace, but I must stick up for my boy Alex--he was balked big time at the very tight exit of T4 by the German ride buyer (I forgot his name) and Moore got a good run. Still, it was a fantastic outbreaking of Zanardi on the OUTSIDE of T1.

9th January 2008, 19:03
The driver who balked Zanardi was Arnd Meier.

21st March 2008, 18:21
The circuit hosted 10 GP's between 1978-1989.

And so another circuit is laid to rest. R.I.P. Jacarepagua.