View Full Version : Where are they now ???

10th September 2007, 05:39
Does anyone know what happened to the following drivers and what they are currently doing, career wise ????

Billy Boat

Mark Dismore

Laurent Redon

Greg Ray

Ayrton Dare

Alex Barron

George Mack

Mark Taylor

Rick Treadway

Tora Takagi


10th September 2007, 11:05
Laurent Redon (the "lr" in "lrs") :


Unfortunetly, he is retired. He could have had a brilliant career in USA...

10th September 2007, 11:36
Boat is running his business in Phoenix.

Dismore is still in Indy and working with his family's karting business. They're big karting dealers/suppliers.

Airton Dare is back in Brazil and was hoping to build an oval for kart competitors to start learning oval skills early.

Rick Treadway is back involved with his father's businesses in Indy.