View Full Version : Image limit

30th August 2007, 16:36
The following errors occurred when this message was submitted:

1. You have included 6 images in your message. You are limited to using 5 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Images include use of smilies, the vB code [img] tag and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all subject to them being enabled by the administrator.

I just got this message when trying to post and I wondered why we are limited to only 5 images?

Does the limit also apply to sigs?

31st August 2007, 10:12
Because if you go overboard it slows down the page loading time for everyone.

31st August 2007, 11:07
Because if you go overboard it slows down the page loading time for everyone.

Does it really? I would assume that most browsers will cache the images after downloading them once. With an estimate less than 20 smileys regularly used, that's 10k of data per user every once in a while. Do we have that many readers that 10k per user is a penalty?

31st August 2007, 17:22
Well it applies to inline images too. Not just smilies.

31st August 2007, 20:36
Because if you go overboard it slows down the page loading time for everyone.

Alright fair does, I can understand that for pictures but for smilies too? I assumed they weren't that big in size or is it just a thing to stop user 1 having 20 smilies and then every user afterwards doing the same thing?