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View Full Version : only a top team for Nelson Piquet Jr

21st August 2007, 09:45
There was mention in a F1 news site that apparently Mr. Piquet Jr has turned down several offers for a race seat from smaller teams and i only looking at winning cars. The Hamilton way so to speak.

If that is true, what are his options?
According to people, there are at least four drivers already,
Heikki, Fisichella, Webber, Alonso ;) can he get a seat past three out of four proven race drivers?

Yeah right :)
that's about it...

21st August 2007, 09:53

21st August 2007, 09:54
Honda :laugh: :devil: :D

21st August 2007, 09:56
There was mention in a F1 news site that apparently Mr. Piquet Jr has turned down several offers for a race seat from smaller teams and i only looking at winning cars. The Hamilton way so to speak.

If that is true, what are his options?
According to people, there are at least three drivers already
Heikki, Fisichella, Webber, Alonso ;) can he get a seat past threewo out of four proven race drivers?

Yeah right :)
that's about it...

To be honest, I think someone should slap him for being pretentious.

However, Fisi is starting to look unlikely for Renault in 2008 according to some sites, so that's where NPjr's option is. Heikki looks safe, methinks. Alonso would be going to pretty extreme lengths to leave McLaren and I think the notion of him leaving at year's end is blown out of proportion by the media, so no opening there. Webber is already signed on for Red Bull in 2008.

21st August 2007, 09:58
There was mention in a F1 news site that apparently Mr. Piquet Jr has turned down several offers for a race seat from smaller teams and i only looking at winning cars. The Hamilton way so to speak.

If that is true, what are his options?
I haven't seen his name mentioned in connection with any race seats. There doesn't seem to be much of a queue for his talents, and I suspect his only hope is that Fisichella leaves Renault at the end of this year.

21st August 2007, 10:00
Webber is already signed on for Red Bull in 2008.
Ah, i have missed that, i thought his move to Renault was an Australian truth. :)

21st August 2007, 10:02
Ah, i have missed that, i thought his move to Renault was an Australian truth. :)
For some. ;)

21st August 2007, 12:22
There was mention in a F1 news site that apparently Mr. Piquet Jr has turned down several offers for a race seat from smaller teams and i only looking at winning cars. The Hamilton way so to speak.

If that is true, what are his options?
According to people, there are at least four drivers already,
Heikki, Fisichella, Webber, Alonso ;) can he get a seat past three out of four proven race drivers?

Yeah right :)
that's about it...

Sad if it is true :( What happened to working your way up the grid :?:

21st August 2007, 14:56
Sad if it is true :( What happened to working your way up the grid :?:

Because of the Hamilton phenomenon and having Piquet as his last name :rollseyes:

21st August 2007, 16:00
Because of the Hamilton phenomenon and having Piquet as his last name :rollseyes:

Yeah its pretty pathetic to be honest when you use your name to get things/positions in life :down: Beggars cant be choosers as they say, not that it applies to real life.

:erm: My last name is Gates so does that entitle me to a few billion dollars :?: :p :

21st August 2007, 18:52
Let us see, he could have gone to red bull to replace scott not speed, he could go to Honda, he could go to Spyker......or he could sit at home and do nothing.....the good thing about sitting at home rather than going with those teams, everyone would still think he was a good driver with lots of potential and Rd would not call him a recycled useless driver :rolleyes:

By waiting to go to somewhere like MAc, and demonstrate that he does have some good talent :s mokin: he comes out way ahead.....( or to put it another way, nothing to lose by waiting and waiting.....if the alternative is torr rossi speed NOT, well ok, when he gets his walkinn papers, Burger may say something like he still has a future....)

21st August 2007, 21:11
I think it's very possible to see Piquet Jr at Renault in 2008 - the pressure from the Brazilian sponsors is enormous to see their driver in the French car next year.

Nelsinho is an interesting case. He wasn't very impressive in GP2. In 2005 he was clearly beaten by Rosberg, Kovalainen, Speed (about who Berger has decided that he's not good enough for F1...) and others. In 2006 he was second, but he already had one year experience (which seems to help a lot in GP2), but yet was beaten by rookie Hamilton and I'd say that also another rookie Glock was more impressive since he got into a competitive team (iSport).

Piquet might prove to be better in F1, but GP2 didn't show that he is that hot to deserve a top drive immediately. But I'm not against to see two youngsters next year at Renault (Kovalainen and Piquet Jr). In some way it would be interesting to see, how it would affect teams' performance to have two unexperienced drivers. :p : Also as Heikki was his rival in GP2, it would be interesting to see, how would the battle end in F1. But I'd expect the Finn to be better.

21st August 2007, 21:16


21st August 2007, 21:59
I think it's very possible to see Piquet Jr at Renault in 2008 - the pressure from the Brazilian sponsors is enormous to see their driver in the French car next year.

Nelsinho is an interesting case. He wasn't very impressive in GP2. In 2005 he was clearly beaten by Rosberg, Kovalainen, Speed (about who Berger has decided that he's not good enough for F1...) and others. In 2006 he was second, but he already had one year experience (which seems to help a lot in GP2), but yet was beaten by rookie Hamilton and I'd say that also another rookie Glock was more impressive since he got into a competitive team (iSport).

Piquet might prove to be better in F1, but GP2 didn't show that he is that hot to deserve a top drive immediately. But I'm not against to see two youngsters next year at Renault (Kovalainen and Piquet Jr). In some way it would be interesting to see, how it would affect teams' performance to have two unexperienced drivers. :p : Also as Heikki was his rival in GP2, it would be interesting to see, how would the battle end in F1. But I'd expect the Finn to be better.
I donjt think thats quite fair for Piquet, after all Piquet Sports/Minardi isnt exactly a dfront running team and no match for ART. The impression that I got was that he was fast but a bit erratic I dont think he'd be a bigger gamble for Renault than Heiki was, but I dont see any other team being too bothered about him.

Blackburn Buccaneer
21st August 2007, 23:22
i say give him a shot: in all honesty, why not?
also, i do get your point 'sleeper"

and by the way, i do tend to favor hamilton.

22nd August 2007, 02:36
Honda :laugh: :devil: :D

he will be driving for Renault , don't forget that Flavio is his agent .
I think he is just very arrogant little boy that is using is famous last name .

22nd August 2007, 11:33
he will be driving for Renault , don't forget that Flavio is his agent .
I think he is just very arrogant little boy that is using is famous last name .

in racing terms he is nothing special but in marketing and sponsorship terms, he is worth a lot.

can Flav afford to keep him in a testing role for a year and would it help mature the little so and so?

personally, I dont really want to see him in F1 as he would be a bit too much of a loose cannon in my opinion but we shall see. I fully expect him to create a few 1st corner instances as he tries to impress as much as Lewis has but without the talent.

sorry for any NP fans but I really dont think the kids ready for a full F1 drive unless its at the back where he cant get into too much trouble.

22nd August 2007, 15:45
I've always liked little Nelson's dad, but he did have a VERY LARGE element of JERKINESS in his personality. Seems this has carried over to his son. It sounds like he has a good shot at Renault but he'd better be VERY, VERY good right out of the gate...or he'll be in a for world of abuse.

23rd August 2007, 07:07
He should be grateful for any drive he can get! If he's really got talent, he'll be at the front soon no matter which team he starts with...

23rd August 2007, 10:29
He should be grateful for any drive he can get! If he's really got talent, he'll be at the front soon no matter which team he starts with...

but you cant shine in a crap car, can you? ask Freddy!

if NP thinks he is sooooo good, then put him in a dog and prove it. It might be the quickest way to a top team.

Valve Bounce
23rd August 2007, 14:02
There was mention in a F1 news site that apparently Mr. Piquet Jr has turned down several offers for a race seat from smaller teams and i only looking at winning cars. The Hamilton way so to speak.

If that is true, what are his options?
According to people, there are at least four drivers already,
Heikki, Fisichella, Webber, Alonso ;) can he get a seat past three out of four proven race drivers?

Yeah right :)
that's about it...

Agreed!! Let's kick Lewis Hamilton out and put this future champ in his place. :p :

23rd August 2007, 16:51
I've always liked little Nelson's dad, but he did have a VERY LARGE element of JERKINESS in his personality. Seems this has carried over to his son. It sounds like he has a good shot at Renault but he'd better be VERY, VERY good right out of the gate...or he'll be in a for world of abuse.

As far as I can tell, when he was testing for Williams, he was not setting the World alight... He's surely competent, but it is hard to imagine why would any top team would want to hire him; unless he has top-notch sponsorship! :D

23rd August 2007, 17:08
I've always liked little Nelson's dad, but he did have a VERY LARGE element of JERKINESS in his personality. Seems this has carried over to his son. It sounds like he has a good shot at Renault but he'd better be VERY, VERY good right out of the gate...or he'll be in a for world of abuse.

As far as I can tell, when he was testing for Williams, he was not setting the World alight... He's surely competent, but it is hard to imagine why would any top team would want to hire him; unless he has top-notch sponsorship! :D

All very good points

Valve Bounce
24th August 2007, 02:20
As far as I can tell, when he was testing for Williams, he was not setting the World alight... He's surely competent, but it is hard to imagine why would any top team would want to hire him; unless he has top-notch sponsorship! :D

Like Spyker? or Rosso torro?

24th August 2007, 08:37
As far as I can tell, when he was testing for Williams, he was not setting the World alight...
NPj reminds me a little of Antonio Pizzonia :dozey: