View Full Version : [WRC] Rally Italia Sardegna 2024

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Andre Oliveira
30th January 2024, 14:27
https://scontent.fopo5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/423236919_7755698741126152_8381461812595431447_n.j pg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c42490&_nc_ohc=aGQnuJY7tK8AX_t5ROV&_nc_ht=scontent.fopo5-1.fna&oh=00_AfD_fKEyA_X423uZrRDnp6AEXC-AOhKau6eX3tJvZ4m07Q&oe=65BEA6D6

https://scontent.fopo5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/423327725_7755698764459483_8707883389345717512_n.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c42490&_nc_ohc=hIHQvJFApgQAX8G91u-&_nc_ht=scontent.fopo5-2.fna&oh=00_AfAZhRfg0CznxFbR2gTjZDxxizm-3KSOwtxLzIYx_-GKqQ&oe=65BDB89A

30th January 2024, 14:34
A less than 40kms on Sunday & less than 100 on Friday feels like a joke tbh... and to add insult to injury it seems to be the way going forward from 2025...

30th January 2024, 15:37
You posted this on the wrong date, it isn't April 1st today...

30th January 2024, 15:43
Total distance 266km and 150km of it you have to drive without service..

And once again, another impressive change that brings extra manus to the series.. right.

30th January 2024, 17:35
I was thinking to go to Sardegna as spectator this year. But with so short and stupid schedule, it is not worth for me to spend money for this comedy. This documents helped me with my choice...

30th January 2024, 18:31
I was thinking to go to Sardegna as spectator this year. But with so short and stupid schedule, it is not worth for me to spend money for this comedy. This documents helped me with my choice...

I wish it was a comedy, more like a tragedy on our side, & it's only the beginning, don't wanna know what's waiting for us around the corner in 2025.

30th January 2024, 18:36
......it's only the beginning, don't wanna know what's waiting for us around the corner in 2025.
I suggest that from 2025 wrc should cut off all the mechanics + services and go to ,,malle moto'' style of racing like dakar has for motorbikes - all the service and repairing has to be done by riders/drivers..

30th January 2024, 18:52
I suggest that from 2025 wrc should cut off all the mechanics + services and go to ,,malle moto'' style of racing like dakar has for motorbikes - all the service and repairing has to be done by riders/drivers..

Tänak would be the champ lol

But shameful itineary for spectators

30th January 2024, 19:04
But shameful itineary for spectators

I think it is shameful itinerary for everybody... Maybe only promoter will like it as they can save one day of transmission...

30th January 2024, 19:20
I was thinking to go to Sardegna as spectator this year. But with so short and stupid schedule, it is not worth for me to spend money for this comedy. This documents helped me with my choice...
Exactly the same feeling. Short events just aren't worth the cost.

30th January 2024, 19:23
But shameful itineary for spectators

Not much wrong with easily 2/4/2 stages without any rushing I would say?

31st January 2024, 01:37
Not much wrong with easily 2/4/2 stages without any rushing I would say?

Will be mass migration from SS5/7 to SS10/12 then?

31st January 2024, 05:40
Exactly the same feeling. Short events just aren't worth the cost.

If they shorten the stages (not the number of stages) than that's tha differance if you are spectating on a 1km vs a 50km stage? You only see a car for a few hundred meters max...

31st January 2024, 06:31
Will be mass migration from SS5/7 to SS10/12 then?

Should be enough time i'd say.

31st January 2024, 07:28
If they shorten the stages (not the number of stages) than that's tha differance if you are spectating on a 1km vs a 50km stage? You only see a car for a few hundred meters max...

Short in time period. Just don't see the value of a 48 hour event, when from Estonia it would take minimum 5 hours of travelling to get to the island. 48 hours of rallying and about 15 hours of sitting in airports and planes.

31st January 2024, 11:43

An explanation from Simon Larkin.

31st January 2024, 17:02
Anybody running a sweep on number of entries?

31st January 2024, 18:27
I suggest that from 2025 wrc should cut off all the mechanics + services and go to ,,malle moto'' style of racing like dakar has for motorbikes - all the service and repairing has to be done by riders/drivers..

Don't give that working group any ideas

1st February 2024, 17:41
I dont like the new style..

Make more stages! and remote service, more action on a shorter period, that could be something.

That its stupid to do long liasons to Alghero and back during the day is correct. So let them do some extra stages , and than some service action in the stages region.

Also stages like Ittiri, or Monte Baranta, nice for spectators, and easy to fit in to such timing!

1st February 2024, 20:36
I still dont understand why they think that making events shorter and in a bigger hurry will make it better. All this is going against organisers, competitors and spectators. If you are find the money to come to the race abroad (and no matter if you are competitor or spectator), you want to enjoy it fully. WRC should be on higher level than national championships, you should feel you are on something better and you should enjoy it for few days... For example here on Sardegna, there are only two services. Do you think that mechanics of the teams would be happy to travel over the Europe to do only two services on the car? For most of the people around it is not normal job, but mainly passion. If they will stay at home, they will earn more money. But they are doing rallysport as they want to be part of that comunity, that it is something prestigious for them. But if you will cut all this enjoy, this people will stay at home next time. Is this really what we want?

2nd February 2024, 08:32
I don't like the new style..

Make more stages! and remote service, more action on a shorter period, that could be something.

That its stupid to do long liasons to Alghero and back during the day is correct. So let them do some extra stages , and than some service action in the stages region.

Also stages like Ittiri, or Monte Baranta, nice for spectators, and easy to fit in to such timing!

Surprisingly, I'm not totally against shorter events - however there are a few caveats to it.

Keep as much stage km as possible, and just run the event Friday, and finish on the Saturday evening - make it a shorter, but more intense event. I don't like the lack of service, so I'd change that. I also wouldn't be against another 1 or 2 events like this......providing we see the opposite.

For example, make the Monte & Safari longer and harder; Monte could run Wednesday afternoon until Saturday night......

Mix the formats up - it's what the sport was meant to be about; rather than the generic 'WRC event'.

Atob WRC
1st April 2024, 08:33
New route for the Shakedown, at Ittiri!!

It will be possibly a longer version that has been carried on 2015. On 2015, 1'40 kms, and for 2024 edition 2.08 kms. They can make it longer for the northern part of the special.

I don't like it all the idea of a SS "circuit" for the SD, but we will see.

7th May 2024, 18:32
Entry List:


14th May 2024, 21:43
Hi, anyone have experience with this route https://mapy.cz/s/bedudugeme from Oschiri to Monte Lerno stage - hairpin on 17km from start? If it´s doable by normal car?

15th May 2024, 05:19
I would like to know that as well. In 2023 the part of your linked access road was actually a stage, so I guess that section would be doable (will check from WRC+ onboards later). But not sure about the first section of your access road - altough in mapy.cz it is marked as a cycling path (same as the latter section), so maaaybee it could be OK?

15th May 2024, 06:06
I would like to know that as well. In 2023 the part of your linked access road was actually a stage, so I guess that section would be doable (will check from WRC+ onboards later). But not sure about the first section of your access road - altough in mapy.cz it is marked as a cycling path (same as the latter section), so maaaybee it could be OK?

Yep, you´re right. Also first part of linked road is on google street view. They ended about 6,5 km from start of linked road. Last picture https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6814177,9.2075638,3a,43.5y,179.07h,84.45t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syNwW6v3HVRTIw3hiR-RMTQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DyNwW 6v3HVRTIw3hiR-RMTQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%2 6h%3D100%26yaw%3D219.20653%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov% 3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu shows little bit rocky road. But it´s from 2011 so lot of things can change.

15th May 2024, 10:11
And same question about this route https://mapy.cz/s/navazamaje to Tempio stage.

15th May 2024, 11:42
I tried sending you PM on this forum, but I think it's broken (I don't see any sent items). Is there any contact how to reach you, so we could share together some plans? If you have IG, you can contact me here https://www.instagram.com/ondrej.zeman.wrc/

15th May 2024, 12:18
And same question about this route https://mapy.cz/s/navazamaje to Tempio stage.

This is not doable, I tried all roads last year from that side. I spent maybe 2-3 hours there. There is access from first junction, from finish (normal days gate is closed there) and to your place, there should be access from last year finish. I search accesses for meteo crews last year, this stage had zero access apart from start and finish, gate in todays finish was closed.

15th May 2024, 13:49
This is not doable, I tried all roads last year from that side. I spent maybe 2-3 hours there. There is access from first junction, from finish (normal days gate is closed there) and to your place, there should be access from last year finish. I search accesses for meteo crews last year, this stage had zero access apart from start and finish, gate in todays finish was closed.

Thank you. Ok so i will use official access to last year´s finish. But it´s pain in the ass, that we have to drive around whole hill. Proper jeep is needed for this roads :D

15th May 2024, 16:13
I tried some access from north and then went along river to find some ways up. I had Citroen C5 and at some point I used it like Jeep. Road was very narrow between bushes and water erosion was so bad in may places that I had space to place 1/3 of the wheel on the edge of the steep erosional gulley (rest was just hanging in the air :P) and then in one point I made a picture where I had ca 1.5 m deep depression under my car :P Some places I had to place smoother rocks under the wheels to get pass from nastier places.. finally I turned around and passed very steep and broken bridge across the river.. So, I do not suggest this road to anyone :P

20th May 2024, 11:43
And same question about this route https://mapy.cz/s/navazamaje to Tempio stage.

Last year I went to see the first Tempio Pausiana stage and then we went over to the second Tula Erula stage. That is perfectly doable. There is a lot of parking space in the streets leading up to the start of the Tempio Pausiana stage and we had a perfect seat under the trees at the 1st corner. Leaving the Tempio Pausiana stage was fairly easy to go next stage and we went to park the car at the Parco Eolico Sa Turrina Manna which is very close to the Tula Erula stage. From there you can take a good walk to watch lots of different parts of the very spectator friendly Tula Erula stage. This year sadly I will not be there after years seeing Rally Sardegna Italia, including the Covid years

21st May 2024, 20:06
Do we know what its a weather prediction?
I will be there as accreditated photographer.
My last visit im sardinia was in 2017

22nd May 2024, 05:51
Do we know what its a weather prediction?
I will be there as accreditated photographer.
My last visit im sardinia was in 2017

We, normal people, can't predict from pages like Yr, it is still far away.. Only If some Italians here have some long-term forecast which is quite reliable?

22nd May 2024, 07:11
Do we know what its a weather prediction?
I will be there as accreditated photographer.
My last visit im sardinia was in 2017

Currently looking nice, much better than last year. Temperature trends are moving closer to +30 degrees. Recent (couple of days ago) heavy rains might have affected access roads, so, try to prefer larger roads, or make sure you have spare wheel.

24th May 2024, 17:35

Still early days but maybe some chance of rain during the weekend

24th May 2024, 18:51

Still early days but maybe some chance of rain during the weekend
According to last couple of rallies, there is no point to believe any of the weather predictions :D
I believe it if I see it on AllLive or being on stage myself :D

29th May 2024, 05:40
So rallying week again and let’s see how this new format works then that they are testing for next year. Sunday just 39kms….

I’m most interested to see how Virves performs now that he has a competitive car underneath him.

Ogier or Tänak for the win I guess.

How is the weather prediction btw?

Fast Eddie WRC
29th May 2024, 09:06
A big rally for Elfyn Evans and Toyota to see if they can make any ground on Neuville and Hyundai after the disappointing scores in Portugal.

Toyota have tested here after poor results in the last few years so it needs to pay off.

29th May 2024, 10:11
So rallying week again and let’s see how this new format works then that they are testing for next year. Sunday just 39kms….

I’m most interested to see how Virves performs now that he has a competitive car underneath him.

Ogier or Tänak for the win I guess.

How is the weather prediction btw?

For me this new format is working perfectly. I was planning to go to this rally as a spectator (only as spectator to WRC event after many, many years), but after publication of format and schedule, everybody from our group decided not to go... Good job, FIA.

29th May 2024, 10:13
For me this new format is working perfectly. I was planning to go to this rally as a spectator (only as spectator to WRC event after many, many years), but after publication of format and schedule, everybody from our group decided not to go... Good job, FIA.

You still have CER you can try.

29th May 2024, 10:52
You still have CER you can try.

I suppose I will be as team manager on CER...

29th May 2024, 12:02
For me this new format is working perfectly. I was planning to go to this rally as a spectator (only as spectator to WRC event after many, many years), but after publication of format and schedule, everybody from our group decided not to go... Good job, FIA.

I´m the opposite. For our small group of hardcore fans this itinerary works perfectly. Only one day off in work and we can easily see 8 passes of stages plus maybe half of shakedown. This amount of stages is impossible even on longer events.
From Brno to Bratislava by train on thursday evening, some sightseeing and pub there. On early morning flight from Bratislava to Algero with arriving at 7:40 so theoretically we can be at SD between 9 and 10. Back we will take flight from Alghero to Milano on sunday 15:30 p.m. and then Milano to Prague. Then bus from Prague to Brno with arrival 1:30 a.m. on Monday. So travelling will be little bit adventurous with not much sleep during weekend :)
But even if you want to have vacation on Sardegna, after all you have one extra day to explore the island.

Fast Eddie WRC
29th May 2024, 12:19
Is there any rationale behind the new shortened schedule, or is it just a case doing something different for the sake of it ?

Personally I dont mind the Friday afternoon start as I get a sleep in !

29th May 2024, 12:24
I´m the opposite. For our small group of hardcore fans this itinerary works perfectly. Only one day off in work and we can easily see 8 passes of stages plus maybe half of shakedown. This amount of stages is impossible even on longer events.
From Brno to Bratislava by train on thursday evening, some sightseeing and pub there. On early morning flight from Bratislava to Algero with arriving at 7:40 so theoretically we can be at SD between 9 and 10. Back we will take flight from Alghero to Milano on sunday 15:30 p.m. and then Milano to Prague. Then bus from Prague to Brno with arrival 1:30 a.m. on Monday. So travelling will be little bit adventurous with not much sleep during weekend :)
But even if you want to have vacation on Sardegna, after all you have one extra day to explore the island.

Maybe I am little bit older, but when I am spending time and power for travelling somewhere, I want to spend the time there, enjoy the place, enjoy the atmosphere. I am not friend of so quick actions, where you spend more time with travelling than being on site. It is similar to mechanics, when they are going to race, they want to work on the cars. With this schedule, they will have only two services per whole event. Now I am talking about mechanics from non-manufacturer teams, who has it mainly as hobby and not main job. When we were asking them before the season who should potentially go to the events, Sardegna was usually one of the "favourite" events. But with this schedule, nobody wanted to go...

29th May 2024, 12:33
Maybe I am little bit older, but when I am spending time and power for travelling somewhere, I want to spend the time there, enjoy the place, enjoy the atmosphere. I am not friend of so quick actions, where you spend more time with travelling than being on site. It is similar to mechanics, when they are going to race, they want to work on the cars. With this schedule, they will have only two services per whole event. Now I am talking about mechanics from non-manufacturer teams, who has it mainly as hobby and not main job. When we were asking them before the season who should potentially go to the events, Sardegna was usually one of the "favourite" events. But with this schedule, nobody wanted to go...

Yep I agree with this point of view. For enjoying the place and exploring the surroundings this year I had Croatia and will have Poland, Latvia and Finland. So I need to save my vacation :)

30th May 2024, 09:24
Was looking forward to shakedown in the morning....and its tomorrow

30th May 2024, 13:34
Recce interviews by dirtfish https://youtu.be/ezFnbop5gAg?si=IyI7fe-D7uAQ1NTF

30th May 2024, 15:10
Remember Pickems.
Note: Closing time Friday 1430 hrs CEST.
So no urgent hurry, guys.

30th May 2024, 17:28
Solberg withdrawn from the rally due to some medical issue/allergy reaction.

Fast Eddie WRC
30th May 2024, 17:28
Oliver Solberg @OliverSolberg01

Elliott and I will not start Rally Italia Sardegna this weekend.

I am currently taking medication after suffering what is believed to have been an allergic reaction and following advice the decision has been taken to withdraw from round six of the World Rally Championship..

30th May 2024, 18:32
Oh dear. It´s always a threat being in other places with different habits in foods for example. Speculating, but peanut allergy is not smth you play with... maybe it´s smth else.

31st May 2024, 05:04
Shakedown link https://www.youtube.com/live/S0jWNmTJyHc?si=3YWStGn3L8ffNG79

31st May 2024, 05:35
Very useful SD for the rally.. rx track with half of it on tarmac and full of dust..

31st May 2024, 05:36
lol this is the worst shakedown I have ever seen

Unbelievable how they can do everything so wrong in the series

And Thierry agrees with me

31st May 2024, 06:38
SD is a disgrace.

31st May 2024, 07:47
If it's true that next year the rally moves to another part of Italy, it makes this itinerary and SD selection like "Ok, this is the last time here, let's get through this with as minimal effort as possible" :D

31st May 2024, 07:55

31st May 2024, 08:03
This is the first time I've stopped watching the shakedown video on Youtube.

31st May 2024, 08:10
lol this is the worst shakedown I have ever seen

Unbelievable how they can do everything so wrong in the series

And Thierry agrees with me

Didn’t even bother to wake up and watch it, saw some of it now, could’ve easily been done as a SSS at the end/beginning of today/tomorrow. Absolute disgrace but I guess that’s the theme the WRC is implementing, making sure it kills the sport before we reach 2030.

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 08:50
Wow, that was an awful SD stage. Not good prep for the crews with the rally starting on proper stages later on... and even the fans could barely see the action for the dust !

I also noticed there was no hybrid showing on the telemetry graphics.

31st May 2024, 09:34
Wow, that was an awful SD stage. Not good prep for the crews with the rally starting on proper stages later on... and even the fans could barely see the action for the dust !

I also noticed there was no hybrid showing on the telemetry graphics.

They were just testing graphic template for Rally Latvia for a rally1 car without hybrid.

31st May 2024, 09:37
This is the first time I've stopped watching the shakedown video on Youtube.

Me too.

31st May 2024, 09:44
https://www.ewrc-results.com/shake/85531-rally-italia-sardegna-2024/?run=1 - it gives a hint for the cleaning effect...

Jarek Z
31st May 2024, 10:11
This is Italian style! :)

https://www.facebook.com/KajetanKajetanowicz/posts/pfbid02rGJSi37HzvbyeWyn4hiV9vjXkGj9Q5FNcfqPg4Vr8nF R8Ak4f8BNPJ9mDx4YXv2ml

31st May 2024, 10:46
https://www.ewrc-results.com/shake/85531-rally-italia-sardegna-2024/?run=1 - it gives a hint for the cleaning effect...

Wow, first stage will be even worse. No chance for front runners

31st May 2024, 10:55
This is Italian style! :)

https://www.facebook.com/KajetanKajetanowicz/posts/pfbid02rGJSi37HzvbyeWyn4hiV9vjXkGj9Q5FNcfqPg4Vr8nF R8Ak4f8BNPJ9mDx4YXv2ml

They have seen that Rally di Roma Capitale has city parade, so they made the same. But in different way. It is funny when you see how they are going through gardens of restaurants where are eating surprised tourists...

31st May 2024, 10:56
Neuville lucky that first day is so short..
2023 - 141km
2024 - 78km

31st May 2024, 11:01
Very important rally for Neuville, as the next 3 are fast gravel rallies, where Tanak and Evans are generally faster.
But big cleaning effect... not many Km today could advantage Neuville IF someone ends up behind him, otherwise with only few Km for mistakes and troubles, he might end up last of the Rally1 and have to open the road tomorrow as well.
Good chance for Tanak to make up some ground.

31st May 2024, 11:07
They have seen that Rally di Roma Capitale has city parade, so they made the same. But in different way. It is funny when you see how they are going through gardens of restaurants where are eating surprised tourists...

They were doing this for some years in Alghero.

31st May 2024, 11:08
Can see Ogier winning again

31st May 2024, 11:21
They were doing this for some years in Alghero.

I was in Alghero only once two years ago and it was without parade.

31st May 2024, 11:53

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 12:00
Neuville lucky that first day is so short..
2023 - 141km
2024 - 78km

Not necessarily. If it was longer there's more chance of others making mistakes or retiring and starting ahead of him tomorrow and Sunday.

As it is he might just have Munster ahead of him...

31st May 2024, 12:14
This drone stream is quite hard to follow, head is "spinning" already...

31st May 2024, 12:20
This drone stream is quite hard to follow, head is "spinning" already...

I must say I totally hate this drone shots, I feel sick...

31st May 2024, 12:21
Tanak flying, first two cars struggling for traction

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 12:26
Evans one spare gone already.

31st May 2024, 12:27
Oh dear, puncture for Evans and he only has 1spare

31st May 2024, 12:28
Fourmaux coming faster than Tänak on some splits (edit: gaining time back from Tänak)

Sordo and Taka surprisingly slow.

31st May 2024, 12:36
Tänak too careful on the second part which is new it seems. Lost a lot there compared to Ogier

31st May 2024, 12:40
Tänak too careful on the second part which is new it seems. Lost a lot there compared to Ogier

Tänak is lightyear faster than Neuville and Evans. All good.

31st May 2024, 12:41
This short day is really bad for Neuville, can't get good starting position for Saturday

31st May 2024, 12:41
McErlean 4th O/A in split 1, 3rd O/A split 2...

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 12:45
Not necessarily. If it was longer there's more chance of others making mistakes or retiring and starting ahead of him tomorrow and Sunday.

As it is he might just have Munster ahead of him...

Maybe not even Munster !

31st May 2024, 12:50
Pajari -5,1 at 6th split

31st May 2024, 12:51
Sordo again losing too much time on an opening stage

31st May 2024, 12:53
From a sporting perspective, it's quite idiotic - how it's called at least somewhere nearly equal competition if Neuville is losing to Rally2 cars.

Requires some mind work...

31st May 2024, 12:54
Given the cleaning effect, it will be interesting to see what time Loubet will post

31st May 2024, 12:56
So Evans has to drive 3 rough rocky stages with no spare tyre?

31st May 2024, 12:59
Well done Josh Mcerlean, despite running wide and hitting a bank

31st May 2024, 13:00
From a sporting perspective, it's quite idiotic - how it's called at least somewhere nearly equal competition if Neuville is losing to Rally2 cars.

Requires some mind work...

No, this is rallying and not first time it has happened

31st May 2024, 13:01
From a sporting perspective, it's quite idiotic - how it's called at least somewhere nearly equal competition if Neuville is losing to Rally2 cars.

Requires some mind work...

Who is interested in nearly equal competition... In championship perspective, if the fastest drivers will be loosing, others will gain more points and it will be more "balanced"...

31st May 2024, 13:03
So Evans has to drive 3 rough rocky stages with no spare tyre?

Yes, but he can probably Drive to the service with that tyre which he punctured at ss1. Looked like slow puncture

31st May 2024, 13:07
Yes, but he can probably Drive to the service with that tyre which he punctured at ss1. Looked like slow puncture

There is no service or tyre zone today

31st May 2024, 13:10
There is no service or tyre zone today

I mean after the last stage to the service

31st May 2024, 13:13
Evans now saving tyres probably. Rally over for him, I mean for good points

31st May 2024, 13:14
So Neuville has gained one place already

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 13:16
Neuville looked fast there. Impressive.

31st May 2024, 13:16
The road cleaning does not appear as significant on this second stage. Good news for Neuville, I guess!!

31st May 2024, 13:19
The road cleaning does not appear as significant on this second stage. Good news for Neuville, I guess!!

I think its the same, have you seen Neuville's driving?

31st May 2024, 13:21
Neuville drove hard there, but if the loose bits were nearly as bad as the first stage, he would have suffered badly.

31st May 2024, 13:24
Tänak lost the hybrid before the stage. So without it the whole day now?

31st May 2024, 13:24
WRC commentators don't have currently any idea how many tires anyone has.

31st May 2024, 13:25
Tänak lost the hybrid before the stage. So without it the whole day now?

They might do a restart to it and get it going again.

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 13:26
Ogier slow for some reason.

31st May 2024, 13:27
WRC commentators don't have currently any idea how many tires anyone has.

WRC commentators are not famous for having any idea at all, generally. The pro co-commentators that sometimes pop in with them are an exception to this.

31st May 2024, 13:28
Ogier slow for some reason.

Just one split, lets see

31st May 2024, 13:29
Tänak lost the hybrid before the stage. So without it the whole day now?

As I understood, hybrid guys can go and fix the sh*t-box between the stages. It is the only allowed exception for external touch.

31st May 2024, 13:30
Tänak lost the hybrid before the stage. So without it the whole day now?

I understand that 3rd party man with a laptop is available between any stage.

31st May 2024, 13:31
Ogier slow for some reason.

I think Ogier just took it easier. From all-live they described some technical problems between the stages.

It's not rare that Ogier has just so good tire-ware, that he can win everything back at the end of the loop when others can not find any grip anymore.

31st May 2024, 13:39
2 more to go. looking how slow Sordo is, I believe he will let Neuville by

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 13:40
Might Hyundai ask Sordo to slow down and allow Neuville past to help clean for him tomorrow?

31st May 2024, 13:41
From a sporting perspective, it's quite idiotic - how it's called at least somewhere nearly equal competition if Neuville is losing to Rally2 cars.

Requires some mind work...
It's been for years now, and we can only assume it's what the FIA wants because they keep it that way. Just having some old wrc's with kinda decent drivers as the 0 and 00 car would mostly fix the problem, and would also give something extra for the spectators to watch.

31st May 2024, 13:43
Might Hyundai ask Sordo to slow down and allow Neuville past to help clean for him tomorrow?

It makes sense but guys still we have 2 stages left, they are gonna be pretty rough

31st May 2024, 13:44
It's been for years now, and we can only assume it's what the FIA wants because they keep it that way. Just having some old wrc's with kinda decent drivers as the 0 and 00 car would mostly fix the problem, and would also give something extra for the spectators to watch.

The times just go to show what kind of job both Sebs did in their hey days. That includes Kalle as well.

31st May 2024, 13:47
It's been for years now, and we can only assume it's what the FIA wants because they keep it that way. Just having some old wrc's with kinda decent drivers as the 0 and 00 car would mostly fix the problem, and would also give something extra for the spectators to watch.

That wont help them.

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 13:50
Road cleaning is a version of handicapping so the top guy doesn't dominate too much.

31st May 2024, 14:03
Road cleaning is a version of handicapping so the top guy doesn't dominate too much.

Yes, it works well if all the guys are doing full-season. If guys like Ogier are handicapped other does not have any chance, but ok, they have their own championship game to play with each other.

31st May 2024, 14:05
Linnamäe and Virves nowhere at the moment

Suninen also surprisingly slow so far

31st May 2024, 14:27
It's been for years now, and we can only assume it's what the FIA wants because they keep it that way. Just having some old wrc's with kinda decent drivers as the 0 and 00 car would mostly fix the problem, and would also give something extra for the spectators to watch.

Purpose of zero cars is safety and only safety. They don't and can't drive on racing lines and at racing speeds and devote attention to anything other than crowds and safety.

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 14:42
Suninen also surprisingly slow so far

Teemu Suninen Racing @TeemuSuninenRac

Conditions are fine, I really would like push. I feel no traction and no power, we are not where I would like to be. We just have to focus and work well.

31st May 2024, 14:55
No, this is rallying and not first time it has happened

It would still be rallying if they would use different approach to determine road order. Current one is quite bad, even more so now, when fight for title is close and two great drivers are doing part-time seasons.

31st May 2024, 15:06
Anyone has any info on why and by how long is ss3 delayed

31st May 2024, 15:07
It would still be rallying if they would use different approach to determine road order. Current one is quite bad, even more so now, when fight for title is close and two great drivers are doing part-time seasons.

Why you want WRC to be more boring?

31st May 2024, 15:12
At least Brynildsen is now in the box, usually nice to hear the comments.

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 15:30
Neuville 45s faster than the first pass !

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 15:37
Bummer... Fourmaux puncture.

31st May 2024, 15:37
Neuville another position gained now

31st May 2024, 15:37
Fourmaux LR puncture.

31st May 2024, 15:40
Fourmaux RR puncture.

Left rear.

31st May 2024, 15:42
Rossel reportedly stopped on the stage and returned just ahead of Gryazin.

31st May 2024, 15:45
Rossel reportedly stopped on the stage and returned just ahead of Gryazin.

Average Rossel's moment

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 15:49
Heli and drone coverage disappeared early and now the stage coverage cut altogether.

31st May 2024, 15:51
What a joke coverage again...

31st May 2024, 15:51
Nice time from Munster

31st May 2024, 15:58
If anyone has the password for the Sardinia website I’d appreciate it ;)
I think the running order is fine, it balances out over the season.

31st May 2024, 16:06
Linnamäe and Virves nowhere at the moment

You provoked them well, thank you

31st May 2024, 16:19
Hybrid not working for Tänak again.

This has cost quite some time for him today. Maybe even rally lead

31st May 2024, 16:27
Hybrid not working for Tänak again.

This has cost quite some time for him today. Maybe even rally lead

What did he say at the stage end interview, I didn’t quite catch it.

31st May 2024, 16:28
I hate this this new itinenary.

31st May 2024, 16:28
What did he say at the stage end interview, I didn’t quite catch it.

He said these hybrids are fucking shit

31st May 2024, 16:32
What a day by Neuville again.

31st May 2024, 16:36
What a day by Neuville again.

Just wanted to say this also. Compare Evans with him

The guy is on absolute fire this year

But Ogier and Tänak in their own world overall today

31st May 2024, 16:37
He said these hybrids are fucking shit

Yeah I also wish they’d simply get rid of them from next year.

31st May 2024, 16:43
Just wanted to say this also. Compare Evans with him

The guy is on absolute fire this year

But Ogier and Tänak in their own world overall today

I think the fact Rovanperä isn’t doing the full season made Neuville believe in himself that he can do it this year.

31st May 2024, 16:45
At the moment, it looks like we have another Ogi-Tan-Neu TOP3 coming. That is very strange and unusuall, so Im expecting a bit of drama tomorrow

31st May 2024, 16:46
Yeah I also wish they’d simply get rid of them from next year.

31st May 2024, 17:02
Those both runs through the 2nd stage in the loops were absolutely mega from Thierry. Kind of like a champions-esque drive we have seen from the Sebs for the past two decades. He was unfortunate not to end the day ahead of both Taka and Sordo

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 17:14
Gutted for Adrien Fourmaux, he didnt deserve that misfortune wrecking his rally so early on. :(

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2024, 17:20
He said these hybrids are fucking shit

He actually said:

"It’s really high grip now. On the start line I was going to stage mode and hybrid system all at zero again. Fucking shit.”

31st May 2024, 18:04
Seems like another Ogier vs Tanak for the victory. Very good by Neuville, realistically he can aim at 3rd place for tomorrow, only problems or mistakes can make the top 2 reachable.
Tomorrow 8 stages with only one tyre service in the middle... heavy price for any reliability problem.

31st May 2024, 18:13
I think the fact Rovanperä isn’t doing the full season made Neuville believe in himself that he can do it this year.

Someone in the latest Hyundai road book even said that “this is the last chance” while standing together with Thierry

I think it was Sordo and it made me chuckle cause you could see Thierry was feeling awkward about the sentence/situation :D

31st May 2024, 18:38
He actually said:

"It’s really high grip now. On the start line I was going to stage mode and hybrid system all at zero again. Fucking shit.”

Thanks for the clarification.

31st May 2024, 19:02
Suninen also surprisingly slow so far

That Hyundai rally2 absolutely not at the races, needs some big development and upgrades

31st May 2024, 19:39
But what was the reason Fourmax retired?

31st May 2024, 19:45
But what was the reason Fourmax retired?

Some kind of electric issue he said

31st May 2024, 20:52
i dont remember ott not having hybrid problem, like, ever.

that hard downhill part of stage 2 (and 4) would look great on an american baja truck eh?

1st June 2024, 04:52

1st June 2024, 05:03
i dont remember ott not having hybrid problem, like, ever.

that hard downhill part of stage 2 (and 4) would look great on an american baja truck eh?

First time this year imho.

1st June 2024, 05:10
So Ogier taking some risks.

But he can take those when he has no title to catch

1st June 2024, 05:25
Thierry’s splits are mega compared to Evans

1st June 2024, 05:29
Elfyn is in a big trouble going forward with so many gravel events remaining

1st June 2024, 05:39
Munster should think about his words....if you are a shit driver every stage will be shit, he should be thankfull that he is where he is without any reason....there are tons of better/faster drivers in Rally2 or even Rally3 who could replace him....

1st June 2024, 05:42
Munster should think about his words....if you are a shit driver every stage will be shit, he should be thankfull that he is where he is without any reason....there are tons of better/faster drivers in Rally2 or even Rally3 who could replace him....

What did he say?

1st June 2024, 05:46
Ogier with a slow puncture and has no spare now

1st June 2024, 05:48
Tanak has to take his chance now.

1st June 2024, 05:48
What did he say?

That it was the shittiest stage ever

1st June 2024, 05:50
What did he say?

"it´s the shittiest stage ever, it is so demanding, you have to drive so slow, it is no fun"

.....only HE is driving slow in there...he lost 4sec/km not the stage is shit...

1st June 2024, 06:01
Pajari faster than Evans..

1st June 2024, 06:20
Rossel with 4th time overall.

1st June 2024, 06:26
Already using rally2+ cars? :D

1st June 2024, 06:27
Pajari faster than Evans..

I wonder when Pajari will be given the opportunity to drive the Rally1.

1st June 2024, 06:33
What has happened with Evans since Portugal. No speed at all

1st June 2024, 06:35
I wonder when Pajari will be given the opportunity to drive the Rally1.

He is for sure talented and fast, some one-off drive for Rally1 makes sense, but there are too many examples of making too big steps too early and ruining the career.

1st June 2024, 06:40
He is for sure talented and fast, some one-off drive for Rally1 makes sense, but there are too many examples of making too big steps too early and ruining the career.

Didn’t say it had to be this year, I just hope he gets the opportunity and doesn’t stay stuck in Rally2 for 2 more years.

1st June 2024, 06:40
What has happened with Evans since Portugal. No speed at all

Mentally not there perhaps.

1st June 2024, 06:47
What has happened with Evans since Portugal. No speed at all

There can be mental effects, but maybe it's more the results of the things, not the main reason. You can remember Tänak saying he is lost and don't know how to setup or use the car for his liking. Evans just don't say it out that way.

1st June 2024, 06:55
Ogier attacking now.

4 secs up on Tänak

1st June 2024, 07:02
But in the end just 2.3 seconds faster.

Tänak should have big advantage on next two runs cause he has two new hard tires and Ogier doesn’t have any new

1st June 2024, 07:03
Ogier attacking now.

4 secs up on Tänak

I believe that split wasnt correct. I dont believe Ogier lost 2.1 sec in the last sector

1st June 2024, 07:04
Munster should think about his words....if you are a shit driver every stage will be shit, he should be thankfull that he is where he is without any reason....there are tons of better/faster drivers in Rally2 or even Rally3 who could replace him....

Can't wait to see Sesks in that car.

1st June 2024, 07:05
Tänak and Ogier are fighting for the win, so they are definitely on pace, but Neuville from a worse road position keeps the same tempo. It's a great job by Neuville.

1st June 2024, 07:07
I believe that split wasnt correct. I dont believe Ogier lost 2.1 sec in the last sector

So if he wins a sector by two seconds then it’s true and believable but if he loses then it isn’t?

It’s totally normal the splits are ping pong through different sectors

1st June 2024, 07:44

1st June 2024, 07:52
What a time to by Rossel on SS6. 17 seconds faster than the next guy and 5th time in overall beating Fourmaux, Evans and Sordo too

Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2024, 08:17
A big rally for Elfyn Evans and Toyota to see if they can make any ground on Neuville and Hyundai after the disappointing scores in Portugal.

Toyota have tested here after poor results in the last few years so it needs to pay off.

So much for the extra testing in Sardinia.

We're seeing the exact opposite of what Evans needed here.

And Toyota would be screwed without Ogier.


1st June 2024, 08:57
Neuville doesn't really have a reason to push anymore. he can't catch ogier or tanak on speed, and katsuta and sordo can't catch him.

1st June 2024, 09:19
Neuville doesn't really have a reason to push anymore. he can't catch ogier or tanak on speed, and katsuta and sordo can't catch him.

He has the rest of the day to tinker with setup and prepare for tomorrow

1st June 2024, 09:46
Fourmaux having some trouble as Munster's split is suddenly much faster which can't be unless his team mate has problems?

1st June 2024, 09:50
Neuville stopped, no more info yet.

edit: still stopped, Sordo passing, so 6min and no info.

edit2: replay, span rear of the road, quite clearly stuck there

1st June 2024, 09:50
Fourmaux lost front brakes.

1st June 2024, 09:50
Neuville stopped.

1st June 2024, 09:54
Sucks for Neuville, but great for the championship

1st June 2024, 09:54
Neuville went off down a bank and got stuck

1st June 2024, 09:57
Real shame for Neuville, but did he need to push so hard in this stage? Especially with Evans so slow.

Makes the championship interesting anyway, especially as Neuville will be 1st? on the road tomorrow.

1st June 2024, 09:59
https://x.com/paddocknews/status/1796850935391572148 - Neuville

1st June 2024, 10:02
Looked like pacenote mistake once again tbh

1st June 2024, 10:02
Neuville and stupid mistakes. Name a more iconic duo...

1st June 2024, 10:03
Neuville and stupid mistakes. Name a more iconic duo...

Meeke and crashing out?

1st June 2024, 10:08
Not sure what I think it would gain but still bizarre that a team mate just drives past rather than stopping for 30 seconds to attach a rope and drag it out.

1st June 2024, 10:08
Ogier and smart mistakes

1st June 2024, 10:08
Ott just bring it home now steadily.

Big points against Neuville to be gained here now

1st June 2024, 10:09
Ogier extremely lucky he didnt lose the whole wheel there

1st June 2024, 10:09
How tf is Ogier's wheel still pointing right direction

1st June 2024, 10:10
That's a good point, if Sordo had dragged him out he would probably have a better road position for tomorrow. Wouldn't be great for the teams championship though

1st June 2024, 10:10
Championship should've been pretty equal if Tanak scores 30 and Evans atleast 15.. With Neuville tomorrow going first

1st June 2024, 10:17
I don't think they carry towing ropes and besides, that would be outside assistance which is forbidden.

1st June 2024, 10:25
I don't think they carry towing ropes and besides, that would be outside assistance which is forbidden.

They're "team mates". If the manufacturers was different to eg, total time of all three cars, it wouldn't be as weird as "we're team mates but fuck you because our team only needs one of us". Team mates should be able to assist each other.

That's weird for newcomers to the sport����

But anyway, not a hill for me...

1st June 2024, 10:27
lol what are you guys on with this towing talk

assistance is not allowed

1st June 2024, 10:30
Anyways, its gone and Tanak is now biggest favorite for the championship

1st June 2024, 10:37
Anyways, its gone and Tänak is now biggest favorite for the championship

Shhh, let's not jinx it, still a long way to go in this rally.

1st June 2024, 10:41
Neuville could easily wrap up 8-10p tomorrow. He is a fighter and quick even in worse road positsioon.

Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2024, 10:42
Neuville's off is good luck for Evans but he really doesn't deserve it with his own very poor pace here.

1st June 2024, 10:44
Anyone who understands what did Neuville say when he realized the speed was too much?


1st June 2024, 10:44
Anyways, its gone and Tanak is now biggest favorite for the championship

definitely not. the form Neuville is in at the moment, he is still the favourite.

and the rally isnt over yet and points havent been awarded

1st June 2024, 10:47
'Merde' is just sh*t.

1st June 2024, 10:55
definitely not. the form Neuville is in at the moment, he is still the favourite.

and the rally isnt over yet and points havent been awarded

3 fast gravel rallies to come, I'd be very surprised if Neuville is the championship leader after them

1st June 2024, 10:58
3 fast gravel rallies to come, I'd be very surprised if Neuville is the championship leader after them

Tanak will blast into the huge lead and its over, this rally was decider

1st June 2024, 11:00
Neuville makes mistakes way more often when he doesn't need to push / he's not in a fight... maybe it's just his driving style that combined with a slower pace make it more accident prone

1st June 2024, 11:15
Rally is not over yet, but we can still discuss the provisional standings, taking it into account, that in the very next moment it all can be different again.

Many people talk about Evans can now reduce the cap with Neuville. Yes, it's true, but it sounds weird in the context if Tänak reduces it more and also passes Evans with 3 points.

As it stands at the moment, Ogier is just 9 points behind Evans, 25 points behind Neuville. Maybe it's wrong to ignore Ogier when talking about the title fight.

Tomorrow there is a 7 + 5 points to grab. Let's say Ogier and Tänak's fight stays alive and they are faster than Neuville due to better road position, then even though he is just 3rd in the Sunday points and 3rd in PS, it's still 7 points.

1st June 2024, 11:16
Something tells me a puncture will happen either with ott or seb. Probably ott.

1st June 2024, 11:20
Something tells me a puncture will happen either with ott or seb. Probably ott.

Hearing a thing talking to you is a serious symptom of mental illness...

1st June 2024, 11:25
Hearing a thing talking to you is a serious symptom of mental illness...

Keep it civil, man. Lines like these are totally unnecessary here.

1st June 2024, 11:30
Keep it civil, man. Lines like these are totally unnecessary here.

The problem with text is, that the meaning comes from the way how it is said :) If it failed as a joke, then it was failed, but clearly no intention of offending anyone.

1st June 2024, 11:31
Meanwhile, Taka seems to have some gearbox oil-leakage issue. Something to keep an eye on for the loop.

1st June 2024, 11:32
I don't think they carry towing ropes and besides, that would be outside assistance which is forbidden.

This is not true.

34.1.2 Cars may only be towed, transported or pushed in order to bring them back onto the rally road or to clear the rally route or as otherwise permitted in these Regulations.

1st June 2024, 11:44
Interesting classification in RC2 after SS 8. First two Toyotas, then two Citroens and only then first Skoda - Martin Prokop...

1st June 2024, 11:52
This is not true.

34.1.2 Cars may only be towed, transported or pushed in order to bring them back onto the rally road or to clear the rally route or as otherwise permitted in these Regulations.

I stand corrected. Yet, I still think that if another car stopped on the stage to render towing assistance to another, I think that would amount of creating a blockage or even a hazard on the stage and stewards might take a dim view about it.

1st June 2024, 11:55
I stand corrected. Yet, I still think that if another car stopped on the stage to render towing assistance to another, I think that would amount of creating a blockage or even a hazard on the stage and stewards might take a dim view about it.

Of course they can. But it is not against the rules...

1st June 2024, 11:58
Katsuta major transmission problems

1st June 2024, 11:58
Meanwhile, Taka seems to have some gearbox oil-leakage issue. Something to keep an eye on for the loop.

Seems to be a real problem. So Sordo and Evans gain positions.

1st June 2024, 12:02
Maybe rear diff, giving the spin when he pulled the handbrake?

1st June 2024, 12:05
Tanak will blast into the huge lead and its over, this rally was decider

Far from decider, although it makes things much more difficult for Neuville.

7 rallies means a lot of possibilities to lose points that feel "guaranteed"

1st June 2024, 12:10
Good pace from Fourmaux, faster than Tänak and Ogier.

edit: Ogier is faster in 2nd split

Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2024, 12:21
Great time by Fourmaux taking advantage of a later road position on this stage.

1st June 2024, 12:22
Tänak: we are asked to be safe and not pushing.

Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2024, 12:22
Tanak been told to be safe for the Manu points.

1st June 2024, 12:22
Damn Ogier always takes chunks out of Tänak with the final 3-4 splits

1st June 2024, 12:24
Tänak: we are asked to be safe and not pushing.

Wtf why. It’s too soon to ask such a things

Screw you Cyril with huge promises before the season.

1st June 2024, 12:24
Team orders for Tanak..

Too early in the season.. fk Abiteville

1st June 2024, 12:25
Lol fuck Hyundai an their stupid team orders.
Should have told Neuville not to push when he had noone to catch...

1st June 2024, 12:26
Might as well turn off the TV now, sun is shining outside..

1st June 2024, 12:27
I'm glad Ott made it public tho

1st June 2024, 12:29
The "read between lines" here can be, that Hyundai plays for Neuville's drivers title and manu's title.

1st June 2024, 12:29
Interesting classification in RC2 after SS 8. First two Toyotas, then two Citroens and only then first Skoda - Martin Prokop...

This season Škoda has been far from being the dominant force of the past.

Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2024, 12:31
Not sure if its sensible for Tanak to fight with Ogier given Neuville and Evans wont score too highly here. There are better rallies ahead to suit Tanak.

1st June 2024, 12:31
As it stands after Today:

Neuville 110
Evans 96
Tanak 94

1st June 2024, 12:33
The "read between lines" here can be, that Hyundai plays for Neuville's drivers title and manu's title.

Didn’t expect anything different coming into this season…This is where a 4th manufacturer would come in handy.

1st June 2024, 12:37
Tomorrow they can let Neuville push and tell Tanak to keep it safe not to lose saturday points