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23rd May 2007, 17:06
Bloody heck! I guess I'll cancel my evening t-off time... :mark: :bigcry:


May 23d and snow is in the forecast :mark: :down:

I trust Mother Nature is more amicable in your neck of the woods :mark:

N. Jones
23rd May 2007, 17:07
Good lord! It snows that early in Calgary?

Tell me, when did your good city move to the Arctic Circle? :)

23rd May 2007, 17:11
Mid 20's around here today, a little cloudy now but it's been brilliant sunshine and blue skies all day. Supposed to stay the same for the rest of the week, which is good because I hate playing in the rain :D

23rd May 2007, 17:15
Good lord! It snows that early in Calgary?

Tell me, when did your good city move to the Arctic Circle? :)

We have only two seasons here... 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad skiing... :dozey:

Carl, that's mean :bigcry: :arrows:

23rd May 2007, 17:17
+16 C, sunny.

Schmenke, are your magpies back yet?

N. Jones
23rd May 2007, 17:18
[quote="schmenke"]We have only two seasons here... 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad skiing... :dozey:


Chicago is my realm. You may know us as the US city with the highest gas prices! :wave: YAY!

23rd May 2007, 17:24
+16 C, sunny.

Schmenke, are your magpies back yet?

Haven't seen a magpie in months... :hmph:

Penguins, on the other hand... :erm:

23rd May 2007, 22:49
we got sunshine, which is always good for britain :p :

24th May 2007, 01:52
Bloody heck! I guess I'll cancel my evening t-off time... :mark:

May 23d and snow is in the forecast :down:

I trust Mother Nature is more amicable in your neck of the woods :mark:

And then Canadians are so worried about global warming ;) :p :

24th May 2007, 07:51
Sunny days.. oh, where have you gone?!

24th May 2007, 08:27

Fine weather for Saturdays potato planting day,

24th May 2007, 08:38
Sunny days.. oh, where have you gone?!

They must have moved down South because it's lovely down here this morning :D Tee-off time today, 16.27 ;)

24th May 2007, 12:01
It certainly is, another fine gorgeous day. :)

24th May 2007, 12:26
Bit cloudy and almost overcaste here near Chester but not unpleasant at all :)

24th May 2007, 15:59
weathermen the only people who are still paid even thoug they only get it right 30 % of the time :rolleyes: :hmph:

24th May 2007, 17:29
We have only two seasons here... 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad skiing... :dozey:

I distinctly remember asking someone what the weather forecast was when I was in Calgary.

"Cold..." the guy said, "Just cold, that's all you need to know in this place!"

24th May 2007, 17:38
As tin said, we could use some of that global warming over here :D

24th May 2007, 23:54
temperatures are set to drop from 20-23C to 10-13C in Britain over the weekend.

25th May 2007, 00:05
we had +10 today and cloudy, wich it isn't normal for fall, feels like winter, global warming my a**!

25th May 2007, 00:41
temperatures are set to drop from 20-23C to 10-13C in Britain over the weekend.

:laugh: :laugh: when i was in Iceland the temperature dropped in the time it took me to go from my room on the 5th floor to the hotel lobby from 0.c to -20.c :eek: :crazy:

25th May 2007, 06:26
weathermen the only people who are still paid even thoug they only get it right 30 % of the time :rolleyes: :hmph:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: bingo!

25th May 2007, 16:21
weathermen the only people who are still paid even thoug they only get it right 30 % of the time :rolleyes: :hmph:

As a prof, I can tell you that students are there, too ;) :p :

26th May 2007, 04:39
but we don't get paid!

26th May 2007, 05:08
but we don't get paid!

You are so right :D

30th May 2007, 12:10
Omg, it has been hot for some days already and I'm sweating all the time. :s I have to study for my exams, but it's overwhelmingly tough as the room is at least as hot as it's in the outside and I'm having a headache. I wish it was raining, then I'd go out to try to cool down. :)

The temperature has been nearly +30, but for me already 20+ is too hot, so winter is my favourite season for a good reason. :)

30th May 2007, 15:51
Finally enjoying some decent weather here...
Finished my first full 18 of the year yesterday :up: :D

30th May 2007, 16:19
Well you must have sent you crap weather over here then, it's peeing down and has been since Saturday. Just hope it clears up by 16.27 on Friday :D

oily oaf
30th May 2007, 16:29
Well you must have sent you crap weather over here then, it's peeing down and has been since Saturday. Just hope it clears up by 16.27 on Friday :D

Instead of spending your Fridays bashing a little white ball all over the gaff you'd be much better served posting jokes on the allotted day and time matey ;)

30th May 2007, 17:13
Hey there Oily!

Daniel and I were in a store called Nauticalia and saw these aaaages ago. They made us think of you :)


30th May 2007, 17:20
...you'd be much better served posting jokes ...

Ahem, quality material only please! :mad:

oily oaf
31st May 2007, 16:40
Hey there Oily!

Daniel and I were in a store called Nauticalia and saw these aaaages ago. They made us think of you :)


Holy high pressure zone Bat Carrie!
I must confess that when I first clapped my "minces" on that little beauty a small bead of sweat formed on my upper lip before plopping gently on to my Sou'wester.

Now I realise I'm asking a lot here but I wonder if you'd mind awfully typing a description of the object in question while the shower runs in the background and a powerful fan blasts full pelt while Daniel bangs furiously on an empty biscuit tin and simultaneously flicks the lights on and off.

Please dispel at once any lingering fears you may harbour that I will in any shape or form derive some type of erroneous or perverse pleasure from your act. In fact I have already taken the precaution of donning boxing gloves and bonding my trousers to my waist with industrial strength Araldite.
The wearing of a Sian Lloyd TV weathergirl mask during your task is not compulsory but preferable :mad:

PS Am I alone in becoming extremely aroused by conjuring up visions of 1970s TV star of "Seahunt" Lloyd Bridges swimming around underwater whilst blowing bubbles from his aqualung?

oily oaf
1st June 2007, 07:08
Come on Carrie! Get a bleedin' move on love, I can't keep these boxing gloves on for ever ya know :mad:
Last night I gave Mrs Oaf a playful chuck underneath the chin and knocked the poor cow spark out :(
So it's not all bad :)

Btw did anyone else catch Seahunt last night on UKTV Gold?
There was this bit where Lloyd Bridges' diving partner had his mask torn off by a giant squid so Lloydie had to use his own supply of oxygen to keep his mate alive with a technique known as "buddy breathing"
Jesus H Christ you shoulda seen the bubbles those 2 babies blew.
I must admit I lost all control and disgraced myself in front of the wife's mother.
It seemed like the most natural thing in the world

1st June 2007, 13:01
Sorry Oily, but I haven't much time. I am off to a festival of wood! Just to keep you happy I remember this little treasure. Think of the joy it could bring to your life.


1st June 2007, 13:05
A festival of wood? :eek:

Don't do anything I wouldn't :p

1st June 2007, 15:33
Ahh... global warming is finally here... :up: . Forecast highs between 26 and 28 deg. for the next few days :cool: . Pork ribs on the BBQ tonight :s mokin: (...once I remove that 0.50 cal. slug... :uhoh: )

oily oaf
1st June 2007, 17:05
A festival of wood? :eek:

Don't do anything I wouldn't :p

Hehehehehe Great minds think alike young Daniel :D

1st June 2007, 23:15
25 degrees, warm and sunny with a light breeze and a 97 for me, today was a good day :D

oily oaf
2nd June 2007, 07:18
Sorry Oily, but I haven't much time. I am off to a festival of wood! Just to keep you happy I remember this little treasure. Think of the joy it could bring to your life.


:rotflmao: Where do you GET this stuff from love.
Incidently you do realise that you're costing me a small fortune young lady :mad:
I've just sported out 250 sovs on a strapless shipping forecast incontinence evening gown.
I was thinking of showing it off at The Festival Of Wood :)

How'd it go btw? You must be absolutely cream crackered you poor love. It can't be easy sitting in the front row with your high magnification opera glasses clocking all those different types and sizes of wood :( .

Still it's better than looking at Daniel with his strides down I spose :s mokin:

5th June 2007, 14:37
man is nice and sunny in college

5th June 2007, 14:42
Nice and sunny this morning, but forecast is for showers this evening... May have to cancel my evening outing... again :mad:

5th June 2007, 16:44
It's too HOT :mad:

5th June 2007, 17:02
Another glorious day in paradise..............

.............shame I'm not in paradise then :\

5th June 2007, 17:51
Nice weather here, feels like summer is coming. Might drag myself down to the beach for a walk tonight.

Oily, the Festival of wood was very interesting. I saw a man with a chainsaw carve a squirrel out of a log in less than 15 mins. Not entirely sure why.

May I suggest this piece of apparel, you are the only person in the entire world who I would imagine buying such a thing...... http://www.nauticalia.com/enlargement.php?dpi=6220

oily oaf
5th June 2007, 18:57
Nice weather here, feels like summer is coming. Might drag myself down to the beach for a walk tonight.

Oily, the Festival of wood was very interesting. I saw a man with a chainsaw carve a squirrel out of a log in less than 15 mins. Not entirely sure why.

May I suggest this piece of apparel, you are the only person in the entire world who I would imagine buying such a thing...... http://www.nauticalia.com/enlargement.php?dpi=6220

Pah! I sneer at chainsaws. I carved a squirrel out of a log in 13mins 27.9secs using nought but my trusty chopper. :mad:

I don't wish to appear disparaging or judgemental but has the gentleman in the picture got his head on upside down? :( Mmmmmmmmm Souwesters :s ailor:

5th June 2007, 19:07
Oily, the Festival of wood was very interesting. I saw a man with a chainsaw carve a squirrel out of a log in less than 15 mins.
I'm sure he could have lured the squirrel out of that log with peanuts in 15 seconds.

6th June 2007, 17:27
Well, we had a record rainfall last night... 72mm fell during a 12-hour period.

My soirée on the links was cut short to a mere 6 holes :mad: .

On another nearby course two people were taken to hospital after being fried by lightening... :mark:

Still raining... :mark:

8th June 2007, 12:40
Yesterday started out nice and balmy, but then the wind changed from the south (Sahara) and we got blasted with 43 degrees for the rest of the day!
Thankfully the breeze is off the Med today.

26th October 2007, 14:32
............waiting for an update from Schmenke

26th October 2007, 15:45

Sunny and -5 deg. C this morning. Forecast high for the day is +7 :mark:

Whazzit like in Winterpeg?

26th October 2007, 16:04
Heard on the radio on the way to work that you guys got dumped on and that it's heading our way. Just wondering if I needed to get my shovel ready.

We had a beautiful autumn day yesterday +20C & sunny, but the forecast for tomorrow is high of +5.

26th October 2007, 16:13
Heard on the radio on the way to work that you guys got dumped on and that it's heading our way. Just wondering if I needed to get my shovel ready...

I'd find another radio station :p :

We had a dusting of snow a couple of nights ago... certainly nothing requiring the mobilisation of the shovel :mark:

27th October 2007, 02:53
Yeah, that was a weird day...23 degrees C in the late afternoon, then snow by 9pm.

27th October 2007, 03:01
We got some snow tonight ourselves, but it still melted immediately. They are calling for -10 tonight, but it doesn't look like Winter is near.

27th October 2007, 07:40
It's single digits down here, and been raining off and on most of the night. Seems to have stopped now, though.

27th October 2007, 09:13
Here it is foggy and 8 degrees now.

Brown, Jon Brow
27th October 2007, 10:05
You Canadians are almost as bad as us British, talking about the weather :p