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View Full Version : OT Guy Hands' Terra Firma buys EMI

23rd May 2007, 13:48

Tenuous link to Rockingham - Guy put most of the capital into the building of RMS, and lost £50M of his personal fortune when he sold his shares to Ashley Pover and Joe Dickinson for £1.

23rd May 2007, 21:33
Do we give a rats ass? Must be a big tax dodge to swop £50m for a £1.

24th May 2007, 06:09
The time of year that the deal was done might just give a clue Dave17...........! I think that he could afford it too!

However, nobody can accuse Mr Hands and his associates of not thinking big. Interesting to think that if he had retained an involvement then the link through Terra Firma into EMI could have been helpful with the project of using pop music to draw bigger crowds to Rockingham.

Oh well, back to reality!!

Chris N

24th May 2007, 10:36
I think I give a rat's ass - he could have just called in the receivers and that would have been the end of it.

24th May 2007, 12:35
I doubt that without Guy's money there would be a Rockingham Motor Speedway at all.

24th May 2007, 20:16
IF his bid is successful, then maybe he might be worth talking to for carrying on where they left off, before Mr Buller so kindly bought it.

There are quite a few things that Rockingham, as a circuit/business could do.

I am (un)reliably informed that "Truckfest" is homeless, and is looking to run at Newark Showground next year. It would be a good "steal" for Rockingham to get it, and make a V8 Trophy/Pickup round part of the proceedings. Add to that some up-and-coming bands, and hey presto - a mega event.

Sticker Rub
24th May 2007, 20:23
I am (un)reliably informed that "Truckfest" is homeless ... It would be a good "steal" for Rockingham to get it

Then the NIMBYs really would have something to moan about!