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View Full Version : Alex Zanardi fighting for his life - again

19th June 2020, 20:59
Apparently, Alex Zanardi is in critical condition after suffering major head injuries in a traffic accident in Tuscany earlier today. https://www.espn.com/racing/story/_/id/29334686/undefined
C'mon Alex - you have defied all odds before and you can do it again!

20th June 2020, 08:33
This truly is terrible news. We can only wish him all the best.

He is one of the main inspirations for my book, as said in the foreword. It is dedicated to the likes of him, Billy Monger, Robert Kubica, Niki Lauda and many, many others who have experienced accidents behind the wheel and came back fighting. As well as to those who sadly didn't.

Zanardi is one of the toughest there is.



20th June 2020, 19:04
Terrible news. But he's won battles before. I'm praying that he wins this one. May God watch over him.

27th July 2020, 18:24
Alex Zanardi back in intensive care as condition becomes unstable


(https://www.espn.com/racing/story/_/id/29529861/alex-zanardi-back-intensive-care-condition-becomes-unstable)Keep, up the fight, Alex.

14th August 2020, 21:25
I wish him all the best, he is a superb guy and a huge inspiration to people all over the world.

21st August 2020, 17:27
Seems like some good news for someone who certainly deserves it.

Report: Ex-CART champion Alex Zanardi sees 'significant clinical improvements' after crash

The health of former Formula 1 and CART driver Alex Zanardi (https://www.paralympic.org/alex-zanardi) is improving after a serious handbike accident in June, according to www.formula1.com.
The two-time CART champion veered slightly into the oncoming lane, according to reports (https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/motorsports/2020/06/19/alex-zanardi-handbike-crash-italy-nerosurgery-operation/3224271001/), where he collided with a truck during a handbike race in Siena, Italy, resulting in severe head injuries.

The 53-year-old Zanardi was placed in a medical coma (https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/motorsports/2020/07/21/alex-zanardi-moved-rehab-center-italy-handbike-crash-medical-coma/5482971002/) and put on a ventilator after the crash, where doctors warned of potential brain damage after sever facial and cranial trauma, according to a USA Today update in July.