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View Full Version : So everyone thought it was only Jr. fans

4th May 2007, 12:27
think again :eek:


guess he got mad that Jimmie didn't finish off his teammate trifecta and crash them all out to get the win :p :

4th May 2007, 14:35
truly this guy is the greatest moron of them all...

He was just throwing stuff because everyone else was doing it. Someone needs to give him the "if the Jr. fans jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge"?

Or maybe

perhaps it is a terrifying thing to be the only Henrick Motorsports fan in a crowd of hostile, violent Earnhardt fans. It was do or die?

R. Mears
4th May 2007, 15:25
guess he got mad that Jimmie didn't finish off his teammate trifecta and crash them all out to get the win

LMAO, at least the "big one" never happened. I wonder if the new pavement had anything to do with it? I think so.

Mark in Oshawa
4th May 2007, 17:31
Well, it proves it wasn't all Jr. Fans. That much I knew. Jeffy certainly brings out the opinions of many, but this guy takes the cake. I guess he didn't get the memo that the 48 is co-owned by Jeffy did he???

4th May 2007, 18:11
Hmmmmmmmmm ........................
a fan is defined as an enthusiastic(a) devotee(b) usually as a spectator, an ardent(c) enthusiast
(a) filled with or marked by enthusiasm (strong feeling of excitement, zeal or fervor)
(b) an ardent(c) follower, supporter, or enthusiast
(c) expressed in eager zealous support

Somes "fans" get may get overzealous & express themselves in an inappropiate manner,
but does that really mandate banishing them from attending their chosen sports event ?

I don't agree with throwing beercans but let the punishment fit the crime,
I think a monetary fine would have been enough to make the proper point.

5th May 2007, 03:57
"if the Jr. fans jumped off a bridge, would you jump off a bridge"?

If all the Jr. fans get together and jump off a bridge, I'll throw a party to celebrate.

5th May 2007, 04:27

that'll wipe out 3/4ths of the Nascar population :p :

Mark in Oshawa
5th May 2007, 05:43
Hey, I am a Jr. fan, but unlike a lot of the Jr. fans, I wasn't a rabid fan of his dad.....I respected Dale Sr., but didn't really get an idea of who he was until the last few years of his life....

I think some of us like Jr. because he is different from his Dad, but keeps a lot of his Dad's best qualties as a man.