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View Full Version : Remembering Possum Bourne....

1st May 2007, 02:04
Greetings all!!! I dunno if anyone remembers but today is 4 years since Possum passed on.Id like to take this opportunity to offer my best wishes to Possum's family and friends.I live a world away but I Possum was one of the names that I remember from the very first time I actually started watching rally tapes umpteen years ago.I remember being shocked and saddened to learn of his passing.Id just like to put this thread up to honour him on this the 4th anniversary of his passing.God Speed Possum....thanks for the memories.....



3rd May 2007, 04:26
He's always remembered over here Spud, all the time and at any event.
One of his old cars did Race to the Sky in his livery.


4th May 2007, 13:00
Thats good to know Xeroid...good to know!!!!

28th June 2007, 12:51
I still have a signed poster from Possum when he visited the Sydnet Motor Show. It is in a frame and on the wall in the garage as a tribute to a great man.