View Full Version : Rally America

24th March 2016, 10:58
Pastrana beat Higgins by 8 seconds at 100 Acre Wood.

Rally Power
30th March 2016, 00:12
Another Dytko proto or a home made one?

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11896229_1650349668516279_5880363834310582845_n.jp g?oh=dd4a7e8cbdab3cd0665d7f80e72d8c16&oe=5790FF92

photo: green apu FB

Rally Power
27th April 2016, 22:41
Higgins took the win at Oregon Trail Rally, 9.5s ahead of Pastrana. Bouffier (yep, that one) was 3rd, in the Green Apu sponsored (Dytko?) Mirage. Ryan Millen first in 2wd class.

1st September 2016, 05:32
Higgins wins Ojibwe.

Andre Oliveira
16th April 2018, 09:51

21st April 2018, 01:01
Atko and Higgins etc oregon traill

https://www.facebook.com/AmericanRallyAssociation/videos/600240400329828/?t=330 (Craig Drew interview as part of pre-rally intro)

Drew - for 2018 spec subaru - taken out 300lbs, 1mm increase in restrictor to add 40 to 50 hp, 'same' car since 2015 (4th season for car)

Higgins won, Atko frame grilled the subaru (but was an overnight fix)

21st May 2018, 12:37
Is this thee iconic north american rally car? Volvo?

USA rally subaru crash - similar to Meeke's - worse damage?


23rd May 2018, 20:00
Is this thee iconic north american rally car? Volvo?

USA rally subaru crash - similar to Meeke's - worse damage?


No there's a few but it doesn't have the place it really should..

(Now remember I have only driven rally in one car--literally one and the same car..Saab 96...but that was for business reasons..just like building its replacement--a Cosworth 4x4 powered Sierra was for business reasons---to display and sell parts, work, etc)

We never got Ford Escorts in rwd form here... we got crappy Corollas, RX2s, RX3s, RX7s, and 510 Datsuns (all with appalling 5+ turns lock to lock so called "steering...which really is just a suggestion...(and there twerent quick steering boxes, those were only available--at outrageous prices in RHD in Japan from Iwashita Rally Service for I can't recall but around $700..)
But we did get 240 Volvos abd those 240s really are like a big 104" wheelbase Escort with very near 50/50 weight balance..and a bigger, very strong 2300 engine (and one with near limitless potential--I am a serious engine builder for 40 years)>

but Americans are--unfortunately for us and the world largely authoritarian followers which we can define as "conservtive, conventional, consumers"..
And insular..And the poorest read people on average I have ever met in my world travels..

So if they didn't see on TV or now on their (ironically mis-named) Smart phone, it doesn't exist and they will argue till you give up...
As a consequence our events for the last 15 years have had an average of 60-64% various Subarus..I believe there are 3 classes FULL of Subarus..

This contrasts to Sweden--which has maybe 20x more participants and 40x more events---around 60% of the field is various Volvos, and is dominated by 940s..School bus length 940s ( I lived in Sweden most of the 1970s--for motorsport---and still maintain freindly and some business ties) I asked and was told that's because the 940s came with a 2.5 (all alloy 20v 5 called "Whitblock" so they can take the normal 2300 8v "Redblock" 4 and make it 2.5 and 2.5 is bigger so more zoom)

The biggest problem with Volvos in rally prior to 2000 was the owners of the cars --purists to a man--thought that their worn out dead 240s were worth $3000 even for an old sway back shed with a trillion miles on it..So even out here in the PNW in the land of plenty where I used to joke "Bugga! the dam zoning laws require residents on the North side to maintain a minimum of 8 Volvos per block and min 2 Saabs or you can't move into the neighborhood", the cars themselves were too bloody dear for the "normal" guys at the time...

but things changed..There's now maybe I don't know..10-12 in USA and Canada: the 940 of past 2wd Champion Carl Jardevall--a Swede living in the San Francisco area and the rest 240s..Carl is lending his car to a young guy who is he nephew of the guy who wrenched on his car and had his wife in carls cars as co-driver for 15 years, Nate Tennis..Tennis was -despite it being only second rally in past 8 years, the fastest 2wd guy at Oregon..20 SSs, 18 run (2 cancelled in order for people to enjoy the Subarus burning down) and Tennis won 16 of them--and the gaps were growing ( believe he had basically zero miles in the car before the event).This was a repeat of his first event in 8 years at last years Olympus--known locally as Oh-limp-wrist...There he was lent a 240 turbo that I had built more or less everything on--engine, box, suspension,brakes etc---and that as Nate's first rally in turbo and RWD,,but won I think every stage but one.
Did the same over the weekend in this year's Oh-limp-wrist..

Elsewhere in "Southern Ohio rally" run in one of the other sanctioning bodies.. a young guy in only his 3rd rally was 2nd 2wd in his n.a. Volvo 240....another guy I supplied the fun bits to....Right behind a friend in a huge damn Lexus (a Toyota with lockwashers)

So there's some out there..I am the guy in North America pushing them and making parts (and building a few engines) and I coined the motto "The Escort for North America" because our roads are mainly open flowing FAST roads with high average speeds--VERY high considering the general experience level.
We do have a class for 2wd turbocharged cars and for our conditions a turbo 2wd--with no restrictor is a GOOD package, but most of the time we just look at is the car 2wd.

Mk2 RS2000
27th May 2018, 22:54
I was advised during the weekend that an AP4 version of a Toyota RAV4 has been built by Force Motorsport and dispatched to America for Toyota USA to be driven by a young Mr Millan. Obviously a bigger vehicle than we are all used to seeing being rallied but the RAV4 is the style of vehicle that is filling the market place. Will be interesting to observe the developments

30th August 2018, 23:15
One of the better filmed 'Launch Controls' with the usual hyperbole commentary. Pastrana returns. Block burns, McKenna punctures.
Higgins and co average more than 128 km/h/ 80 mph on some of these stages. Like to see Higgins given a test in an M-Sport wrc or r5 to see how he measures up against current euro wrc crews.

Higgins wins at Ojibwe, Bouffier quick on a few stages with mirage proto.

2nd September 2018, 21:05
One of the better filmed 'Launch Controls' with the usual hyperbole commentary. Pastrana returns. Block burns, McKenna punctures.
Higgins and co average more than 128 km/h/ 80 mph on some of these stages. Like to see Higgins given a test in an M-Sport wrc or r5 to see how he measures up against current euro wrc crews.

Higgins wins at Ojibwe, Bouffier quick on a few stages with mirage proto.

Way too much super-slowmotion..Come on, they go super slo-mo for shots of Higgins and little kiddies.. Super slo mo in the middle of ordinary corners... 3 minutes was all I could stand.

And man are there some stupid fast stages in Maine... Been there 3 times for US Nationals...Won 2wd once (1995), DNFes while leading 2wd once (1995 winter) and duff coil but finsihed way off the pace--coil broke up softly--like soft cut rev limiter above 5000 rpm..and that hurt badly there.
But 80mph +average on some of those stages...with those big rocks and trees?..
year after year?
Too fast.

(Then again that's because we have big trees AND most of the guys complain bitterly if the road is narrow, or narrow and rough so organisers choose WIDE! easy roads.)

19th January 2019, 17:24
Ojibwe is @20kph slower overall than Rally Finland though, that's not so bad?

Solberg entered for ARA, pretty sure It's in the Subaru since he tested both the hatch and the sedan from SRTUSA earlier not a Polo like they claim here.

11th February 2019, 22:29
Not sure what events Oliver and the others will attend this year. They all passed on Sno*Drift this year but that may have been because it was a late addition.

14th February 2019, 17:17
Subaru announced Oliver Solberg will be driving one of their cars at 100 Acre Wood next month. And I still haven't booked a room down there...

Rally Power
14th February 2019, 19:56
Not sure what events Oliver and the others will attend this year. They all passed on Sno*Drift this year but that may have been because it was a late addition.

Here: https://www.diariomotor.com/competicion/noticia/tras-los-pasos-de-su-padre-oliver-solberg-ficha-por-el-equipo-oficial-subaru/

12th March 2019, 19:43
Oliver's posting on Facebook. The family flew to the US yesterday and he's doing some testing before the rally starts on Friday. Not sure where, but it's a pretty remote area and there's plenty of private land. If I had the time I'd recommend a lot of recce since Dave Higgins and even Ken Block know the stages well. The only difference this year is usual Friday and Saturday stages seem to have been swapped.

There's also a 'bomb cyclone' (since you can't have hurricanes inland) passing through on Wednesday/Thursday which may or may not cause some flooding and fallen trees.

15th March 2019, 17:31
Live results


16th March 2019, 09:08
How come only subaru's are so fast? What car regulations in usa, strict likegr N or more 'open class'?

16th March 2019, 10:25
It`s the drivers. Both Solberg and Higgins are quite fast drivers, look at Solberg recent R5 starts....which he won for example. Then there`s a guy with Fiesta R5 being beaten by a 77 Escort (and many evo`s and Subaru`s). Enough said, i believe.

16th March 2019, 15:52
Would be good if an american could explain the rules/classes in the US.

But as far as I habe understood its a GrN+ but not sure what the + is.

But a good first day in a new car for Oliver S. He thought the car was big compared to the small R5s. He liked the engine, and will continue to adapt, and test settings today. He had a puncture yesterday and lost a minute, but also had his first stage wins.

17th March 2019, 06:13
1 Barry McKenna 2 O Solberg 3 D Higgins (Higgins had 5 minute electrical delay on stage) 100 Acre Wood Rally 2019


emotive online poster

Page 18 for the nuts and bolts descriptions

17th March 2019, 13:53
Would be good if an american could explain the rules/classes in the US.

But as far as I habe understood its a GrN+ but not sure what the + is.

Ken Block´s Escort is far from GrN+ ...

17th March 2019, 18:03
Would be good if an american could explain the rules/classes in the US.

But as far as I habe understood its a GrN+ but not sure what the + is.

But a good first day in a new car for Oliver S. He thought the car was big compared to the small R5s. He liked the engine, and will continue to adapt, and test settings today. He had a puncture yesterday and lost a minute, but also had his first stage wins.

From a socio-political point of view would be best to understand US rally and racing in general and how it reflects how the rules are different for the different classes, but one thing always remains...the rich write (actually they get willing lackies) the rules.

Want to try?
I can even recommend books that help explain the dissolution of the social structure and simultaneous triumph of the idea of consumerism as the ONLY viable force in America.....

18th March 2019, 17:28
There are rules, but it's not nearly as limiting as most FIA categories. This is good for most teams cobbling together various Subaru bits just to assemble a car to run but it's also leading to some interesting entries like a Chevy Sonic with an LS3 V8 and all wheel drive stuffed into it or the above mentioned MkII Escort which was built up with a turbo V6 usually put in Mustangs. There are a lot of Fiestas turning up with teams that have decent overseas access. There were a few kits, and R5 and an S2000 that won the event when Dave Higgins had an electrical issue that cost five minutes. Oliver Solberg broke a lot of body panels and his windshield when the hood came loose but every time it would finish a stage the old damage was repaired and something new had happened. He managed to take second while Higgins finished third.

On the other hand Ken Block's new Escort blew a hole in it's engine a half mile from the end of stage three where we had been waiting to see how competitive it would be.

Here's a link to some photos I took. (https://photos.app.goo.gl/5RKmsNiwmi8nPXL79)

24th April 2019, 22:31
Two days ago that Escort owner posted pictures of an R5 Fiesta he's bought.

26th April 2019, 21:51
The weather is finally nice enough to let Ken Block take his tuned Ford F-150 Raptor to the dusty trails of Moab, Utah. He's still dialing in the truck's highly modified suspension, but it allows for plenty of sliding right out of the box.

1st January 2020, 22:27
Higgins and Drew withdraw.


31st March 2021, 16:51
About last event is US with modified Fiesta WRC


Damian Baldi
29th October 2021, 18:36
Javier Castro arrives US with RC Competicion Team and their Toyota Etios R4


12th March 2023, 14:50
100 Acre Wood got no mention last year but there are at least 75 entries for 2023. Normally I drive down Thursday morning but I have a meeting in town that ends at two so if I leave on time I won't be there until nine.

A group from Mexico brought a C3 to the US this year. There's already an i20 and several Fiestas to challenge Subaru USA's perennial custom cars so it looks fancy. But the backbone is still a bunch of clubmen with an old Impreza or something else into which they could fit a cage and pass the safety check.

16th March 2023, 04:24
Chattanooga looking at WRC for 2024.


4th August 2023, 17:57
Travis Pastrana will race for Subaru in 2024.



Andre Oliveira
25th October 2024, 16:51
https://scontent.fopo5-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/464617818_867651455453693_3080929431639291229_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=zbIvvriWrKoQ7kNvgFtaFsI&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fopo5-2.fna&_nc_gid=AGUWPBU-3qFC41iF8s-1C9R&oh=00_AYBksd4LePMvtPj6azgqijiRfv3pbt2bmaPjXAZZcgMR aQ&oe=6721ACF7


- The PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 is a great sporting and commercial success.
- TEAM FJ, organizer of the NASCAR Europe Championship, has been established in the USA for 20 years.
- PEUGEOT Sport and TEAM FJ are launching a Rally4 program to participate in the American (ARA) and Canadian (CRC) Rally Championships.
- Nearly 30 years later, the Peugeot 208 Rally4 is returning to the footsteps of the 205 Turbo 16.

With nearly 500 units sold, the PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 has established itself as a great sporting and commercial success worldwide. The North American continent still needs to be conquered, which is gradually opening up to rallies with a WRC round project in the USA in 2026.
TEAM FJ has been established in the USA for over 20 years and has a solid structure and partners that have enabled it to become the NASCAR representative in Europe and to found the NASCAR Euro Series.

In partnership with MICHELIN Compétition and SPARCO, TEAM FJ and PEUGEOT Sport will enter a PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 in American and Canadian rallies from the end of this year and for the 2025 season. The objectives are both sporting: to demonstrate the performance of the PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 on North American special stages, but also commercial by offering the PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 for sale and rental with turnkey packages.

The PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 has been chosen to follow in the glorious footsteps of the legendary PEUGEOT 205 Turbo 16 Group B at the Olympus Rally and the PEUGEOT 405 Turbo 16 at Pikes Peak. Stellantis Motorsport drivers will compete in some events to demonstrate the full potential of the Rally4 and will share the wheel with Maxime Galpin, TEAM FJ driver, who will make his debut on gravel and will be responsible for proving that the PEUGEOT 208 Rally4 is also perfectly accessible to a beginner driver. Other PEUGEOT 208 Rally4s will arrive quickly and will be available for rental. The 2024 program will focus on the Canadian Rally Championship (CRC) with the Rallye de Charlevoix in Quebec on November 1-3, contested by Maxime Galpin, followed by the Rally Tall Pines in Ontario where a Stellantis Motorsport driver will be involved. The 2025 season will consist of great events selected from the Canadian and American Championships (ARA).

François Wales, Stellantis Motorsport Customer Competition Director: "PEUGEOT Sport is proud to write a new page in its Rally4 program, whose sporting and commercial successes have already left their mark on special events around the world. And so it is North America's turn to see the Peugeot 208 Rally4 arrive, with a program in the United States and Canada built in collaboration with trusted and renowned partners. The qualities of the 208 Rally4 are no longer in doubt, and we are convinced that it will appeal to the North American market."

Jérome Galpin, President and CEO TEAM FJ: "It is an honor for all of us to present this program with PEUGEOT Sport and MICHELIN Compétition. We want to quickly develop the North American structure and have several Rally4s to welcome local drivers, but also European drivers who want to discover the USA and Canada through rallies."
Having competed in a few rallies on French asphalt, Maxime Galpin will act as a beginner and will discover both gravel driving and the 208 Rally4. He will also be the team manager in North America.

Maxime Galpin, Team FJ driver: "I am very happy to participate in this great North American adventure. It is a great challenge to discover gravel rallies, but also a magnificent opportunity. I can't wait to drive the PEUGEOT208 Rally4."

See you from November 1 to 3 for the Rallye de Charlevoix, Quebec.

Follow all the news, photos and videos on the Team FJ Facebook and Twitter accounts.

For any information request, please contact: info@teamfj.com

Website: www.TeamFJ.com - Facebook: www.Facebook.com/TeamFJ

*Google translated*

29th November 2024, 16:52
I saw the 208 driven by Max McRae at last week's Tall Pines Rally in Ontario. Of 21 cars starting he ran a consistent fourth until two regulars crashed out and he ended second about a minute after the winner. Very good for a 2WD car against imported R5-ish Fiestas.

Speculation is Max will run the ARA series in the United States next year, even though nothing resembling the 208 is available in the US. If Peugeot wants to launch a competition program in North America I wish they'd sell cars in more than Mexico.

26th January 2025, 17:13
First round of the 2025 North America Rally Championship is common with the canadian championship, and it's next week(Rallye Perce-Neige, Québec, french Canada) ;)

Like last year, mexican driver Ricardo Cordero Jr is on entrylist... :cool:

First canadian entry with the Peugeot 208 Rally4(Mikaël Arsenault/Layla Zigby) :)

31st January 2025, 16:03
According to canadian site Poleposition, Mexican driver Ricardo Cordero Jr will drive the full 2025 canadian championship in his Citroën C3 Rally2 ;)

I wonder if he continues the mexican championship :confused: