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View Full Version : Hamilton - Wehrlein pairing in 2017

12th February 2016, 00:14
I saw this question elsewhere and l thought we should discuss it in this forum.

If Hamilton wins his 4th championship in this 2016 season, is it possible that Merc may dump Rosberg for Wehrlein in 2017 or 2018. It would make sense, as Merc is grooming Wehrlein to become a F1 world Champion in the near future. Giving the rookie the insights into how a champion goes about putting together a campaign for a season would be considered by merc to be an invaluable benefit for their long term plans for Wehrlein.
This move could also be a first step towards resolving their driver infighting problems by replacing one of their driver with Wehrlein should the need arises.

What do you think?

12th February 2016, 09:57
Long term it makes sense. But other short-term factors could come into play. Like how much of a threat from Ferrari they feel in the constructor's championship. They might prefer to stick with Rosberg's experience if constructor's points are critical. Also with big rule changes coming in 2017, again Rosberg's experience could be valuable. Who knows, the 2017 cars might even favour Rosberg's style.
If we're looking to 2018, then you've got to wonder if Hamilton will still be there. He'll be 33 then, and if he gets another championship or two under his belt in the next couple of years, will he still have the hunger to continue?

12th February 2016, 20:20
Long term it makes sense. But other short-term factors could come into play. Like how much of a threat from Ferrari they feel in the constructor's championship. They might prefer to stick with Rosberg's experience if constructor's points are critical. Also with big rule changes coming in 2017, again Rosberg's experience could be valuable. Who knows, the 2017 cars might even favour Rosberg's style.
If we're looking to 2018, then you've got to wonder if Hamilton will still be there. He'll be 33 then, and if he gets another championship or two under his belt in the next couple of years, will he still have the hunger to continue?

But so is Rosberg, he would be roughly that age as well hence he may still be more vulnerable come 2018.

15th February 2016, 14:12
Rosberg will make a lovely Massa or Button for someone in the future who needs an experienced driver who has won a few races and knows how a top team works.

15th February 2016, 18:59
That's very possible. But I think a lot depends on how all three do this season. If Wehrlein performs extremely well at Manor, he could set his future in motion. If he doesn't, or if he's just mediocre, then who knows? If Lewis has a melt down or continues playing jet set playboy away from the track, and Rosberg takes the WDC in convincing fashion this year, then I think that will make Mercedes' future plans very complicated. But if Rosberg performs poorly, while the other two have blazing seasons, then I think Nico will be toast. They might give him a one year extension to take him to the end of 2017 or they could drop him and just slot Wehrlein in next year... IF he goes total dud this season.

And on top of how Lewis and Nico perform against each other, if Ferrari really does have what it takes this year, I think Mercedes will keep whoever seems able to take the fight to Ferrari. I see Mercedes being less patient with Nico's tendency to choke and Lewis' desire to party if Ferrari starts taking victories in 2016. The last two years may have spoiled both of them a bit. We'll see.

18th February 2016, 22:31
I could well imagine Nico going back to Williams after the end of Massa's contract.

11th March 2016, 13:58
I suppose, this question become more complicated when you add Alonso to the mix.

13th March 2016, 09:22
Pascal Wehrlein's Manor Move Shows Mercedes Have Best Young Driver Program in F1
what a load of B**l SH88

The clincher? Not just Wehrlein's "talent and hunger," as team owner Stephen Fitzpatrick told Manor's official Facebook page, but the revised terms offered by Mercedes, which included a financial package of up to €6 million and access to the two-time world champions' "50 per cent windtunnel facility," according to Autosport's Ian Parkes.

Mercedes' unflinching determination to secure Wehrlein's place at Manor, where he will race alongside Haryanto, and ensure the German's career maintains a linear trajectory was indicative of the belief the Silver Arrows have in his potential.

And it also proved Mercedes have the best young-driver program in F1—simply by not having a young-driver program, per se.

N. Jones
14th March 2016, 02:25
Hmm... Mercedes have a good pairing that have won both titles two years in a row. Nico isn't that old. I can't see them making any moves.

14th March 2016, 11:23
But they may want a German to win the title. Maybe they feel Nice ain't the German to do it.

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