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View Full Version : Lift to Rockingham needed for weekend

22nd April 2007, 21:36
Thats a good pun if i say so myself!

Any how, for reasons partially within my control (i.e. driving around being a hero on the brakes and stuff), my car hasnt passed its recent MOT and i have no way of getting to races for the next few weeks, until its fixed (which is likely to be at least 2 more weeks, maybe more!).

Today i managed to finally persuade my dad to take me instead, but im stuck for next Sunday. Dont want to miss it really, but have no way to get to Rockingham at all.

Some suggested trains, but do you know what they are like on Sundays. I'd need to leave at around 6, get a lift to the train station, get a train (or more likely a bus replacement) to Lichfield TV, then to Tamworth i think and then to Kettering, and all back again in the evening. Cant afford that.

Coach's, thats equally non existent, and im not confident i can persuade my dad to take me again.

So, im asking for help. Anyone coming from the North mind picking me up. Im in a little village called Stonnall, about half way between Walsall (crap) and Lichfield (nice :) ). For those coming down the M1, it'd be something like a 30 mile detour along the A38.

I dont mind paying some of the petrol money, and might even fund a coffee at the track.

Help me, please :( :)

Oh, also, a dilemma with season tickets. Im not sure at the minute whether il be in the UK from about the 2nd week of July. Theres a possibility il be off to Australia for a year with uni which means no SCSA for me, but that means il be wasting a lot of money if i buy a season ticket. However its not guaranteed. If i dont buy a season ticket and then dont end up going, il be £15 or so out of pocket. So what should i do?!?!

jonathan carr
23rd April 2007, 00:22
Move in with me dude. 5 mins from the circuit and I'll make a profit from selling your pass. Result Lol. Anyway why you worried just think of all that V8 super cars and the Bathust 24 man.

23rd April 2007, 06:47
Help me, please :( :)

Throw a sicky and fix your car? :D

23rd April 2007, 12:37
sickys arnt a problem. Im a student and therefore have more than enough time to fiddle with it. Lack of cash is a problem, though!

24th April 2007, 16:39

Surely someone can help, dont want to miss out :(

25th April 2007, 12:20
No one?

I need to book my season ticket today, and need to know whether i can make it or not on Sunday.


25th April 2007, 12:47
perhaps a different thread title will attract more views?

25th April 2007, 13:24
Yes i was thinking that. Sadly, cant change it now. Surely a moderator can.

Can one of you change it to 'I need a lift to Rockingham on Sunday!'

25th April 2007, 15:23
Thanks mr/mrs/miss/ms/dr nice friendly moderator

25th April 2007, 16:25
I'm gonna hijack this thread if you dont mind lol. Well adding to it anyway.

I need a lift BACK from Rockingham on Sunday to Warrington. I've got my work placement for uni starting on Monday based at Granada Studios (I just have to brag lol), so I REALLY need a lift back that night, or I'll be rushing away from the track and trying to get back to Warrington by train before they finish for the day!

If someone could help me out that would be great!

25th April 2007, 16:38
Sharon you can have it, im sorted :D

25th April 2007, 21:31
If you can't get to the North West, I can offer you a lift to Sheffield or Doncaster for a train connection to Manchester / Warrington (2035 from Sheffield, change Manc Picc, arrive Warrington Central at 2228 - There is also a 2048 from Doncaster but you have an hour wait at Manchester and need to get a bus from Man Picc to Warrington Bank Quay).

Alternatively, I'll be going past Coventry for a much quicker direct hourly service to Warrington if that's better

If this is any good to you let me know or see me over the weekend.