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View Full Version : Rate the Race - Silverstone 2015

5th July 2015, 15:26
Give us your rating for the British GP and a review.

5th July 2015, 15:42
Great show. 9/10 - could have been better of course, Williams drivers are too poor to use the circumstances.

5th July 2015, 15:44
9/10. By far the best race of the season.

donKey jote
5th July 2015, 15:48
5/10 by far the best so far... Almost a 6 :p

5th July 2015, 16:13
8/10 - Very good race indeed.

Shame Williams couldn't keep it going.

5th July 2015, 17:34
7 for me. Not that great IMHO - we're just used to terrible races and this one simply happens to be above this season's average.

5th July 2015, 17:38
Very good, but maybe artificial race, made by the Williams jumping the Mercs at the beginning and then again by the intermittent rain, but it was exciting and unpredictable, far better than recent races

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N. Jones
5th July 2015, 18:19
A solid 8. First great race of the season since Malaysia.

5th July 2015, 22:53
8. Would have been better if there was not another Merc 1-2 (and worse miss Hamilton winning)

6th July 2015, 01:51

Good enjoyable race thanks to Williams cars making an amazing start and keeping both Mercedes cars behind for many laps.

6th July 2015, 02:46
Great show. 9/10 - could have been better of course, Williams drivers are too poor to use the circumstances.

yes 9/10 for me too. and i agree with your thoughts on williams

6th July 2015, 07:51
If Mercedes had gotten away 1-2, I reckon it would have been at a similar level to many others, but it was great to see Williams up there mixing it for a while and making both Mercedes work for it.

6th July 2015, 13:49
6.5 better than than the usual dross, but way short of being great. Amazing start from Williams, but they shot themselves in the foot by not letting Bottas past Massa as he was obviously faster, and to compound things, they still can't get the car to work in the wet. Nice to see Fred scrape a point too.

7th July 2015, 10:29
6/10 Not falling for all the "exciting" GP talk..It was a good race but a very predictable and boring result again.

would have been a 5 if not for Alonso's Hondonkey finally getting a point!

7th July 2015, 16:54
I enjoyed this race, and am rating it 8/10.

8th July 2015, 20:29
I give it an easy 8. I was on pins & needles throughout. The changing weather and strategies made a good race a very good race, IMO.