View Full Version : Sata Rallye Açores [ERC, PRT, ERCJ]

19th March 2015, 00:14
This year it will be anniversary 50th edition of Sata Rallye Acores.

19th March 2015, 00:17
But what is really pity, this year it will be without live coverage (due to date clash with Rolland Garros). On the other hand, there will be more time for preview, highlights and inside. Plus there will be bigger prize money for fastest - 50 000 euro.

Details you can read (in czech language) here - http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=17053 (or via google translator HERE (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autosport.cz%2Fclanek.php%3Fcl% 3D17053&edit-text=))

19th March 2015, 00:44
due to date clash with Rolland Garros


19th March 2015, 01:37
But what is really pity, this year it will be without live coverage (due to date clash with Rolland Garros). On the other hand, there will be more time for preview, highlights and inside. Plus there will be bigger prize money for fastest - 50 000 euro.

Details you can read (in czech language) here - http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=17053 (or via google translator HERE (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=cs&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.autosport.cz%2Fclanek.php%3Fcl% 3D17053&edit-text=))

Rolland Garros is an excuse. Jean Pierre Nicolas said that no event this year will have live tv. As i expected Eurosport is losing interest in this championship.

19th March 2015, 02:35
Rolland Garros is an excuse. Jean Pierre Nicolas said that no event this year will have live tv. As i expected Eurosport is losing interest in this championship.

No, Rolland Garros is not excuse. Everything is about money and budget. Acores organisers are only one who are able in this years to pay for live coverage. But for Eurosport is more important tennis grandslam which is running running three weeks (with huge support of sponsors) than rally which is running three days...

19th March 2015, 09:43
I'm going to be there. In 2010 I paid 250 euros for a flight, in 2015 I only paid 80 :) 250 euros will be my budget for the rally.

Reis Eduardo
19th March 2015, 10:38
This year there will be no problem with air transportation, three companies make trip to Sao Miguel - Azores - Sata, Easyjet and Ryanair at very affordable prices.


19th March 2015, 18:23
This year there will be no problem with air transportation, three companies make trip to Sao Miguel - Azores - Sata, Easyjet and Ryanair at very affordable prices.


That's the main reason why I'm going. A friend of mine called me and asked me about the possibility to go, I said no because it was too expensive, after that he said "But it's only 80 euros" and immediately I said: "Ok, I'm going!!!" :D

9th April 2015, 21:39
Still has some things to decide before prensetation in May but, if all goes well, the itinerary for this year must be like this:

DAY 1 A (04-06-2015)
- SSS1 Grupo Marques
- SS2 Soluções M
- SS3 Vila Franca / São Brás

DAY 1 B (05-06-2015)
- SS4 Lagoa meo
- SS5 Pico da Pedra
- SS6 "Inside Volcano"
- SS7 Sete Cidades (+5kms)
- SS8 Lagoa meo 2
- SS9 Pico da Pedra 2
- SS10 "Inside Volcano" 2
- SS11 Sete Cidades 2

DAY 2 (06-06-2015)
- SS12 Graminhais
- SS13 Tronqueira
- SSS14 Grupo Marques 2
- SS15 Vila Franca / São Brás 2
- SS16 Graminhais 2
- SS17 Tronqueira 2

What´s new?
SS2 - new stage. Part from Lagoa meo reverse
SS3 and SS15 - new version at the end. Cars will go around São Brás Lake before the final descent
SS5 and SS9 - new version from Batalha Golfe. It will have a diferent start
SS6 and SS10 - new stage inside the crater of Sete Cidades lake. Not 100% sure, some environmental permits
SS7 and SS11 - it's possible to have +5kms after the first ridge

13th April 2015, 20:35
Entrys are open

Reis Eduardo
16th April 2015, 02:24

16th April 2015, 17:32
I hope we will see Bruno Magalhaes and Miguel Campos there :confused:

16th April 2015, 17:55
For now, just Bruno

20th April 2015, 14:18
Awards table with the new amounts for the SATA Rallye Azores :

Final Classification – Private drivers
1. – 10,000 Euros
2. – 8,000 Euros
3. – 6,000 Euros
4. – 5,000 Euros
5. – 4,000 Euros
6. – 3,000 Euros
7. – 2,000 Euros

Classification private drivers – FIA Junior ERC
1. – 6,000 Euros
2. – 4,000 Euros
3. – 2,000 Euros

22nd April 2015, 23:08

Reis Eduardo
23rd April 2015, 17:37
Regulation subject to the approval of the FIA

http://d3jw5gs1mh13h6.cloudfront.net/uploads/files/eventdetail/30/fia_erc_2015_sata_rallye_acores_supplementary_regu lations_subject_to_approval.pdf

Stage 6 e 10 - Waiting for authorization by the authorities, if not authorized will be replaced by known Feteiras.

Luis Pacheco
30th April 2015, 22:55
"Inside Volcano" stage definitely excluded from the itinerary.

30th April 2015, 23:08
Hernâni Jorge is now part of my blacklist. What a great asshole

2nd May 2015, 14:50
"Inside Volcano" stage definitely excluded from the itinerary.

This is sete cidades stage?

2nd May 2015, 22:59
This is sete cidades stage?

No, not the Sete Cidades stage. It's also on Sete Cidades but, it was a short stage inside the crater that would have great helicopter images, as you can see on the right side of this photo.

Reis Eduardo
12th May 2015, 17:17
Sata Rally Azores 2015 presentation in live stream at 17.30 (local time) here:


Fast Eddie WRC
12th May 2015, 22:37
So no live ERC coverage this year on Eurosport (but they have ES2, so why not ?) ...

Big audience but not live ... http://www.fiaerc.com/news/detail/id/7494/t/Erc-targets-30-million-Tv-audience-for-Rallye-A%C3%A7ores

But maybe some live stream from local TV, like RTPAcores ?

12th May 2015, 23:03
Here you can see schedule of live web coverage of this year edition - http://www.satarallyeacores.com/live/

Fast Eddie WRC
14th May 2015, 17:51
Here you can see schedule of live web coverage of this year edition - http://www.satarallyeacores.com/live/

I thought so... they always cover the rally live on RTP. :)

Reis Eduardo
19th May 2015, 22:57

Reis Eduardo
24th May 2015, 19:10
Seventy-six competitors in 50th edition of the SATA Rallye Açores.


Jarek Z
24th May 2015, 19:49
Seventy-six competitors in 50th edition of the SATA Rallye Açores.


Thanks for the news! The list looks good. 11 x R5 and 8 x S2000 cars if I count correctly!

24th May 2015, 21:54

I have a short question. This year is my first time at rally acores. I've read that there is an "rally pass" offered. Is it an obligation? If not, is ist sensible or are the benefits smalls?

Sorry for my bad english :|

25th May 2015, 12:27

I have a short question. This year is my first time at rally acores. I've read that there is an "rally pass" offered. Is it an obligation? If not, is ist sensible or are the benefits smalls?

Sorry for my bad english :|

I dont remember if there is rally pass on Acores. Maybe only on super stage in Grupo Marques?

25th May 2015, 14:45
No Lukyanuk, Jeets and Plangi in startlist, pity :(

25th May 2015, 14:56
Hmm thought Lukyanuk said after Ireland he would do Azores?

25th May 2015, 20:08
would yes but.....

25th May 2015, 20:32
Funds are gone.. Seems the most obvious reason why he isn't there probably

Reis Eduardo
25th May 2015, 20:55

I have a short question. This year is my first time at rally acores. I've read that there is an "rally pass" offered. Is it an obligation? If not, is ist sensible or are the benefits smalls?

Sorry for my bad english :|

Rally Pass - is no sale yet, in the last two years costing € 50

Reis Eduardo
25th May 2015, 21:01
No Lukyanuk, Jeets and Plangi in startlist, pity :(

There were three pilots that we were after being current and that did not come - Lukyanuk, Hudec and Hirschi :(

Reis Eduardo
25th May 2015, 21:03
Maps are available here


25th May 2015, 21:56
No Lukyanuk, Jeets and Plangi in startlist, pity :(

Plangi has home event in same date, team of Jeets is not able to do three events in so short row (Portugal, Acores, Sardegna). With Lukyanuk it is about money, I think...

25th May 2015, 21:57
Rally Pass - is no sale yet, in the last two years costing € 50

So sorry for desinformation. You know, I am always only in service...

25th May 2015, 21:57
There were three pilots that we were after being current and that did not come - Lukyanuk, Hudec and Hirschi :(

Lukyanuk I wrote ; instead of Hudec there is Tomas Kurka ; Hirschi was not able to do Acores so short after Portugal

26th May 2015, 12:44
With Lukyanuk it is about money, I think...

According to ru.motorsport.com (https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fru.motorsport.com%2Ferc%2Fnews%2Flu kyanyuk-ne-startuet-na-azorakh&edit-text=&act=url), his prorgamm is frozen for an indefinite period...

26th May 2015, 12:55

I have a short question. This year is my first time at rally acores. I've read that there is an "rally pass" offered. Is it an obligation? If not, is ist sensible or are the benefits smalls?

Sorry for my bad english :|

Small benefits. You don't need rallypass. On Super special stage and on some stages, you have better place to park. Very easy to see many stages.

Reis Eduardo
26th May 2015, 17:13

This spectator guide is in Portuguese but can help all areas of spectators have GPS points

27th May 2015, 07:02
What a shame about Lukyanuk :( Always the same in ERC ....

27th May 2015, 10:10
What a shame about Lukyanuk :( Always the same in ERC ....

if rumour is true and he is driving WRC Finland with Fiesta WRC, then I won´t blame him or his "godfathers"

27th May 2015, 11:14
if rumour is true and he is driving WRC Finland with Fiesta WRC

It's not rumour already month :) After Rally Masters Show was officially anounced, that Alexey will drive NORF with Fiesta WRC and with his regular co-driver.

27th May 2015, 12:29
But we will see, situation can change very fast...

27th May 2015, 14:19
if rumour is true and he is driving WRC Finland with Fiesta WRC, then I won´t blame him or his "godfathers"

There are two "godfathers" for him. One for ERC, another one for WRC Finland.

27th May 2015, 21:19
No Pedro Meireles on Azores. He ordered a new engine for his Fabia R5 but it won't be ready in time.

Jarek Z
27th May 2015, 21:51
No Pedro Meireles on Azores. He ordered a new engine for his Fabia R5 but it won't be ready in time.

Has he already crashed his new Skoda Fabia R5?

Jarek Z
27th May 2015, 21:54
Bruno Magalhaes has revealed livery for his car:

After Acores he is going to compete in Ypres, Cyprus and Acropolis.

Jarek Z
27th May 2015, 21:56
But we will see, situation can change very fast...

Yes, and we don't know how many godfathers Lukyanuk has ;)

27th May 2015, 22:08
Has he already crashed his new Skoda Fabia R5?

Yes, on WRC Portugal pre-event test.

Andre Oliveira
27th May 2015, 22:13
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1610943_1669913229903089_6440414681558800599_n.jpg ?oh=482e43d98ce33cc6d4c745344ab99bac&oe=55BFF327&__gda__=1442948685_2e3521a191d3888204f0a1421cea94d f

Reis Eduardo
28th May 2015, 00:53
Sata Rally Azores - Rally Pass information

Reis Eduardo
28th May 2015, 12:43
Entry List Sata Rally Azores
ERC - http://www.satarallyeacores.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-FIA-ERC-ENTRY-LIST.pdf
CNR - http://www.satarallyeacores.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-FPAK-CNR.pdf
CAR - http://www.satarallyeacores.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-FPAK-CRA.pdf

30th May 2015, 19:58
I would like to remember pickems competition for Acores, which will finish on Wednesday night! More info here - http://www.motorsportforums.com/showthread.php?35603-Pickem!-2015-Sata-Rallye-Acores

Jarek Z
31st May 2015, 13:53
The rest of the season doesn't look very promising for Lukyanuk:

31st May 2015, 15:24
So it´s only Estonia with Evo X - not very good, it´s a shame :(

Fast Eddie WRC
31st May 2015, 23:09
Cars arriving after the 4-day ferry trip...




1st June 2015, 00:17
Some tests today



Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2015, 22:32
Test Santa Bárbara
Kajetan Kajetanowicz / Jaroslaw Baran (Ford Fiesta R5), Dominykas Butvilas / Kamil Heller (Subaru Impreza STI) e Chris Ingram / Gabin Moreau (Peugeot 208)


Fast Eddie WRC
1st June 2015, 22:35
Breen, Martin & Gago


2nd June 2015, 10:49
Monday Test

Reis Eduardo
2nd June 2015, 15:48
Sata Rally Açores 2015 - Monday Test

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd June 2015, 15:42
Live Stream from Service Park now up: http://www.satarallyeacores.com/live/

Tonight's live 'City Show' will also be on live from 20.40 local time ... :)

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd June 2015, 15:46
Chris Ingram ‏@1ChrisIngram
I love this island! @SATARallyAcores


Fast Eddie WRC
3rd June 2015, 15:47
Kajto SP

Fast Eddie WRC
3rd June 2015, 22:55
Kajto Acores test with interview: https://youtu.be/zluhr_lLJBg

Breen, Martin, Consani, Moffett etc: https://youtu.be/bL8MLsHc_qM

Magalhães on-board: https://youtu.be/sn92U4-POD4

City Show live NOW:

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 11:36
Nice video of the City Show last night: https://youtu.be/9ebvUj7vWFE

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 12:18

4th June 2015, 12:26
Lot of problems already...

Moura: off and backwards passed the finish (and still 2nd time), but a lot of damage at the front (radiator)
Magelhaes: broken pop off valve...
Stajf: crashed in practice, repairing the car and no time in qualy
Kurka: gearbox problems, no qualy.
Barros: spon

4th June 2015, 12:28
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

Photos of Štajf's damaged car are here. Looks like nothing serious.


4th June 2015, 12:31
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

Photos of Štajf's damaged car are here. Looks like nothing serious.


Direct link:
Maybe this works?

4th June 2015, 12:34

Try this

4th June 2015, 12:38
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

Me too... :(

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 13:16
Ricardo Moura's damaged Fiesta


4th June 2015, 13:35
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

Photos of Štajf's damaged car are here. Looks like nothing serious.


Me too. What a mess on this so called new site. Not even link for livetiming on first page. Only old vids and such...

Jarek Z
4th June 2015, 13:46
For the ones who can't see results of the qualifying stage, here they are:

1. Craig Breen/Scott Martin (IRL/GB) Peugeot 208 T16 2.03,832
2. Ricardo Moura/António Costa (P) Ford Fiesta R5 2.04,297
3. Kajetan Kajetanowicz/Jarek Baran (PL) Ford Fiesta R5 2.06,272
4. José Pedro Fontes/Miguel Ramalho (P) Citroën DS3 R5 2.08,685
5. Giacomo Costenaro/Justin Bardini (I/GB) Peugeot 207 S2000 2.08,796
6. Robert Consani/Maxime Vilmot (F) Citroën DS3 R5 2.09,885
7. Bruno Magalhães/Hugo Magalhães (P) Peugeot 208 T16 2.10,005
8. Josh Moffett/John Rowan (IRL) Ford Fiesta RRC 2.10,039
9. Charles Martin/Thierry Salva (F) Peugeot 208 T16 2.10,558
10. Jaroslav Orsák/David Šmeidler (CZ) Skoda Fabia S2000 2.10,659

4th June 2015, 14:14
Sirmacis was fastest of quali' in the Junior class ahead of Rökland and Gago ;)

4th June 2015, 14:27
Me too. What a mess on this so called new site. Not even link for livetiming on first page. Only old vids and such...

Live timing from the rally will be working on www.rally-base.com (I hope) :)

4th June 2015, 14:31
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

You're not alone. They're far from delivering a proper user experience/interface in their site.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 14:33
Is it only me who can't get on the FIAERC live-timing page? It gets me always only on the details of the rally.

I contacted FIAERC about this earlier:

Fast Eddie 2h2 hours ago
@FIAERC Cant see the results properly due to the website design !

FIA ERC ‏@FIAERC 2h2 hours ago
FastEddie We’ll try to fix it. It’s ok on some web browsers

Fast Eddie ‏@ 2h2 hours ago
@FIAERC Not working on Chrome or Firefox in full screen... have to cut screen in half !

They are now saying to use Safari ! :(

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 14:40
Craig Breen made the best possible start on SATA Rallye Açores by setting fastest time on the 3.22 kilometre Remédios Qualifying Stage in his Peugeot Rally Academy 208 T16.

Co-driven by Scott Martin, Breen set a time 0.465s faster than Ricardo Moura, who crashed his Ford Fiesta R5 after passing the flying finish. The FIA European Rally Championship leader’s reward for setting the fastest Qualifying time is that Breen will now be the first driver to select his running position for leg one – which could be significant on the loose and slippery gravel stages.

Kajetan Kajetanowicz was third fastest, a further 2s behind in his LOTOS Rally Team Fiesta R5, ahead of fourth placed José Pedro Fontes in his DS3 Vodafone Team Citroën DS3 R5. Giacomo Costenaro (Peugeot 207 S2000) and Robert Consani (Citroën DS3 R5) were next fastest, ahead of Bruno Magalhães, who could only manage seventh fastest time after suffering a lack of power in his Peugeot 208 T16.

“It was raining at the start of the Qualifying Stage, so the stage was a bit tricky,” said Breen. “We have worked hard to prepare for this event, because it’s a good opportunity for us to score maximum points again and extend our championship lead.”

4th June 2015, 14:56
I contacted FIAERC about this earlier:

Fast Eddie 2h2 hours ago
@FIAERC Cant see the results properly due to the website design !

FIA ERC ‏@FIAERC 2h2 hours ago
FastEddie We’ll try to fix it. It’s ok on some web browsers

Fast Eddie ‏@ 2h2 hours ago
@FIAERC Not working on Chrome or Firefox in full screen... have to cut screen in half !

They are now saying to use Safari ! :(

Eh, Chrome and Firefox is exactly what I have at work...

4th June 2015, 14:59
Eh, Chrome and Firefox is exactly what I have at work...http://www.amaweb.pt/2015/satarallye/QUALIFYING/ TRY THIS

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 15:04
Drivers choosing road positions live: http://original.livestream.com/satarallyeazores

4th June 2015, 16:05
http://www.amaweb.pt/2015/satarallye/QUALIFYING/ TRY THIS

I know, thanks. I just wanted to mention the coincidence that it doesn't work exactly in what I have here :)

According to Pluto all damaged cars from SD and QS are repaired and ready.

4th June 2015, 18:50
Here you can watch live the first stage guys:http://www.rtp.pt/play/direto/rtpacores

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 19:08
Live timing now OK on the official site: http://www.fiaerc.com/live-timing/ :)

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 19:33
Kajto 3sec faster than Breen on SS1 !

4th June 2015, 19:55
Martin, Consani and Magalhaes with pop-off valve problems. Seems like somebody fucked up in a big way...

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 20:03
More issues with the pop-off valve for Breen... :(

Still fastest on Stage 2 despite limited power. :)


4th June 2015, 20:08
Pop off valve is a FIA part but it seems PSA cars have more problems with this than other manufacturers?

4th June 2015, 20:30
Emil Bergkvist fastest so far among R2 cars on SS2.

4th June 2015, 20:49
Nice time on SS1 from Tlustak

Jarek Z
4th June 2015, 20:52
Nice time on SS1 from Tlustak

But he is back to normal mode on SS2 ;)

Jarek Z
4th June 2015, 21:01
Why are Portuguese drivers so slow? Will it change tomorrow?

4th June 2015, 21:17
Martin, Consani and Magalhaes with pop-off valve problems. Seems like somebody fucked up in a big way...

Last year it was the same, PSA drivers struggled more than those with Fiestas. But almost everybody had some problems with pop-off, some bigger, some smaller... looks like nothing changed during the year, 3rd evolution of pop-off valve seems not better.

4th June 2015, 21:52
Any idea why it is so difficult to design a reliable pop-off valve?

Andre Oliveira
4th June 2015, 22:01
Why are Portuguese drivers so slow? Will it change tomorrow?

Magalhães have problems, Moura are good, Barros and Fontes are tarmac specialists. Maybe tomorrow they improve.

Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 22:05
Great battle in the Juniors - equal time after 3 stages for Ingram & Sirmacis !


Fast Eddie WRC
4th June 2015, 22:10
Peugeot-Sport re Martin: '...not an engine problem. Gearbox control..'

4th June 2015, 22:16
Any idea why it is so difficult to design a reliable pop-off valve?

Don't know exact FIA rules for it. Generally it's very, very basic construction, looks like build cost is something like 10e max.

4th June 2015, 22:21
That's exactly why I'm asking ;) Thanks anyway.

4th June 2015, 22:26
Don't know exact FIA rules for it. Generally it's very, very basic construction, looks like build cost is something like 10e max.

have you got any photo from r5 pop off valve.I am curious to see it.

4th June 2015, 22:46
Great battle in the Juniors - equal time after 3 stages for Ingram & Sirmacis !


Bergkvist said "Tomorrow the real rally begins". If I know him right it will be stunning. Let´s hope for a big battle.

4th June 2015, 22:49
have you got any photo from r5 pop off valve.I am curious to see it.

http://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/regulation/file/LT%2043-Boost%20Control%20System%20Group%20R%20%2809.12.20 13%29_0.pdf

PM me for picture

4th June 2015, 22:51
Any idea why it is so difficult to design a reliable pop-off valve?

Maybe the mapping isn't refined enough and the cars are over boosting ??

Problem is when you over boost ( or it opens to early ) it takes a few secs to re seal so your penalised by a lack of boost for a few secs

4th June 2015, 23:36
Bergkvist said "Tomorrow the real rally begins". If I know him right it will be stunning. Let´s hope for a big battle.

First stage was mickey mouse special, second was really fast with lot of tarmac, only third one was "real azorean stage". But rally really starts tomorrow, today it was mainly longer shakedown for everybody...

4th June 2015, 23:48
Maybe the mapping isn't refined enough and the cars are over boosting ??

Problem is when you over boost ( or it opens to early ) it takes a few secs to re seal so your penalised by a lack of boost for a few secs

maybe its down to mapping,because i ve seen/drive to many pop off valves at tuned street evos, and they work properly when tuned right, regardless the weather.Very accurate boost control vs wastegate.

5th June 2015, 00:06
First stage was mickey mouse special, second was really fast with lot of tarmac, only third one was "real azorean stage". But rally really starts tomorrow, today it was mainly longer shakedown for everybody...

Orsák is 1:06 down after 24 km (2,7 sec/km) and Tlusťák 53 seconds down (2,2 sec/km)...

Andre Oliveira
5th June 2015, 00:09
have you got any photo from r5 pop off valve.I am curious to see it.

Hugo Magalhães show it on facebook

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/10153129_906585149404882_2757753410252051634_n.jpg ?oh=d8fb7f911512747b745d4af73b3dac02&oe=560B840B

5th June 2015, 09:04
Pop-off valve in R5 is very simple unit, plastic parts with one spring. It opens when boost is over 1,5b and releases air to atmosphere. It re-arms itself when boost drops by 0,8bar, so to 0,7bar in that case. Problem is those pop-offs are pretty often not working properly, also in case of Azores maybe moisture and altitude combined makes it not working properly even more often. Especially in PSA cars, I think it may be more related to where pop-off is positioned in the engine bay rather than to engine mapping.

Luis Pacheco
5th June 2015, 10:07
Why are Portuguese drivers so slow? Will it change tomorrow?

The portuguese drivers (from the mainland) do not have a huge knowledge of the stages.

Luis Pacheco
5th June 2015, 10:08
Peugeot-Sport re Martin: '...not an engine problem. Gearbox control..'

Martin broke the gear-box twice during monday tests.

5th June 2015, 10:14
Video from day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5zLcYBlWII

5th June 2015, 12:12
Josh Moffet just crashed in front of the rally radio crew!

Consani reports problems with gear shifting.
Magalhaes says the car feels ok after a change of turbo.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 12:16
BIG off for Josh Moffett.. massive moment at the final tarmac section, wheel off.. !

Real shame for him after a good start.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 12:22
0.1s between Breen & Kajto !

Jarek Z
5th June 2015, 12:30
The portuguese drivers (from the mainland) do not have a huge knowledge of the stages.

Are you joking? They compete in this rally every year :)

5th June 2015, 12:31
BIG off for Josh Moffett.. massive moment at the final tarmac section, wheel off.. !

Real shame for him after a good start.

After the FF then?

5th June 2015, 12:32
Yes, behind the finish line. It's a shame, he was doing well for a first-timer.

Jarek Z
5th June 2015, 12:38
Yes, behind the finish line. It's a shame, he was doing well for a first-timer.

Yes, it's a shame. I was surprised with his stage times. He was driving a good rally (in contrast to his brother). Even on his last stage he managed to set 4th fastest time. What a disappointment :(

Says Josh Moffet:
We are just completely disappointed. Something so simple over a finish line. We saw the corner but it was too late at this stage. For a result in the rally it is pretty much over for us. We were happy with our pace yesterday, so for something like this to happen, words cannot describe.

5th June 2015, 12:45
Juniors continue in a great battle :)

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 12:53
Breen stretching his lead a little now... wonder if his car is running properly after his pop-off valve problem yesterday...

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 12:54
Josh :(



5th June 2015, 14:21
Kajto takes massive time from others in his very first run through Sete Cidades ever! Hat's off!

5th June 2015, 14:25
Kajto takes a massive time from others in his very first run through Sete Cidades ever! Hat's off!

Nice effort by him, takes the lead. Breen had a spin and still miles ahead of everyone else!

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 16:05
Chris Ingram had a spin, lost 30s, then went flat-out and still finished 2nd on SS7 !

Leads Juniors now by 9.5s from Rokland and well ahead of Bergkvist & Sirmacis.

Go Chris ! :D



Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 16:15
New FIAERC video: https://youtu.be/hVyakHlN1yw

5th June 2015, 17:11
Looks like Sam Moffet and Butvilas will get notional times for SS9 as they stopped at the crash of Costenaro.

5th June 2015, 18:04
Breen reduces Kajto's advantage to just 2.8s right before Sete Cidades. Really nice battle for the rally and for tomorrow's start order!
In SS9, Sam Moffet(5:12,7) and Butvillas(5:12,6) had their time ajusted, for now, after Costenaro's crash(wich managed to finish the stage with just 28min delay).

5th June 2015, 18:53
Breen in the lead again. Nice fight!

Fast Eddie WRC
5th June 2015, 19:40
[SS11] Sete Cidades 2

"There are 3 cars in the middle of the road, we had to stop 3 times.... Then Ralfs (Sirmacis) has a puncture and we were in his dust. Today I have just gone for it and not been scared of anything."

Awesome job to still win the big stage and increase his lead !! :)

(Think he picked the right background for his new website ... :D )


5th June 2015, 19:42
Βarros and Tlustak retired.
Ingram fair and square clearly faster at his category.

5th June 2015, 22:14
nice photo


6th June 2015, 00:47
Βarros and Tlustak retired.
Ingram fair and square clearly faster at his category.

Guess it´s some tactics as well in ERC3.

6th June 2015, 00:56
Fantastic summer day, with great atmosphere and great fight for leadership.
In addition to rally drivers, Portuguese helicopters pilots are crazy but very experienced. Great moments.
Sunday I will share my video

6th June 2015, 01:08
The footage from today only shows how stupid Eurosport is. Happy that tennis was suspendend because of the rain....

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 12:17
The footage from today only shows how stupid Eurosport is. Happy that tennis was suspendend because of the rain....

And the first day 'highlights' didnt start until 16 mins into the programme !

Yesterday's was put back til after midnight in the UK... :(

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 12:19
ES showing tennis chat instead of this !!


Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 12:22
Start order:


Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 12:29
Kajto back into the lead by 0.5s !

Split times on this site: http://www.amaweb.pt/2015/satarallye/?l=EN
Nr. Drivers Evolution
9 José Pedro Fontes Miguel Ramalho 10:18 00:05:42,0 00:11:08,5
12 Bruno Magalhães Hugo Magalhães 10:20 00:05:26,8
11 Ricardo Moura António Costa 10:22 00:05:25,3
2 Kajetan Kajetanowicz Jaroslaw Baran 10:24 00:05:20,5
1 Craig Breen Scott Martin 10:26 00:05:22,5

Just got a mention on Rally Radio ! :cool:

6th June 2015, 12:41
Kajto back in the lead!

6th June 2015, 12:53
What a great fight between Breen and Kajto, after so many kms only 0.5 seconds, unbelievable.

6th June 2015, 13:06
Ingram again faster

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 13:28
SS13 Kajto 7sec down on Moura at split 2 !

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 13:37
Breen back in front by 15 sec !! :)

6th June 2015, 13:40
Kajto chose too hard tyres and looses a lot of time on this stage.

Andre Oliveira
6th June 2015, 13:41
Afternoon will be interesting :) Hope Kajto win

6th June 2015, 13:46
I fear SS 13 was too much for Kajto to get the lead back. In normal circumstances Breen should take this home now.

6th June 2015, 13:53
Rally is still too long to conclude victory for Breen :mark:

6th June 2015, 14:02
Ingram makes Bergvist look slow.
13 sec at 21 km stage.

6th June 2015, 14:56
Such a shame to see the helicopter filming what could be incredible coverage, but 99% of it will never be seen, seeing as they don't even seem to upload any stages afterwards.

Great event, really interesting to follow, although it seems Breen has done enough now. All credit to both protagonists at the front though.

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 15:05
Breen loses 2.7s to Kajto in the SS ...

"I struggled to find some grip, I had 4 used tyres, I have fresh tyres for the afternoon.."

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 15:13
Josh Moffett on SSS... big aero ! :)


6th June 2015, 16:23
Ingram makes Bergvist look slow.
13 sec at 21 km stage.

You like to tease. I know. If not, comment shows lack of knowledge which I know you haven´t.

(As Emil comments after SS14, he like to stay on his position without trouble - best for championship)

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 16:46
Breen watching videos for the next stages while having lunch... :)

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/11430134_10153431094712853_8314256605704341268_n.j pg?oh=49fb734e07d721790996efbc3f0edc09&oe=5608ABF7

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 17:39
Breen smashes it - 10sec faster than Kajto on SS15 !!

6th June 2015, 18:01
It looks like Kajto chose again wrong tyres. This time he chose soft while others are on hard.

6th June 2015, 18:13
Gearbox problems for Emil Bergkvist. Only 1st and 2nd gear left.

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 19:07
Little fire on the Consani DS 3 R5 at the end of the penultimate stage !


6th June 2015, 19:14
You like to tease. I know. If not, comment shows lack of knowledge which I know you haven´t.

(As Emil comments after SS14, he like to stay on his position without trouble - best for championship)

i dont tease at all,wasn t he faster fair and square?
at last stage Gago 2,6 sec from Rokland and 2nd position.Expect big fight

6th June 2015, 19:22
i dont tease at all,wasn t he faster fair and square?
at last stage Gago 2,6 sec from Rokland and 2nd position.Expect big fight

But did he look slow? Where you there? How can you be slow when you are fighting for podium. Only NOT quotes what you now are doing, or what?

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 19:25
Third ERC rally win in a row for Craig Breen ! :)

Think he has finally matured - now fast and consistent. And not affected by the 208T16 curse anymore... ;)

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 19:29
"I came with the sole objective of winning the rally. I have one extra year to show that I deserve to be moving forward in this sport. Myself and Scott (Martin) are doing a great job. This weekend has been good for us, we have been fast when we needed to be fast and clever when we needed to be clever."


6th June 2015, 19:31
Martin and Orsak exactly the same final time... good for Peugeot to get at least something. Nice fight until the bad tyre choiche. Too bad Lukyanuk and Plangi were not there..

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 19:39
Fantastic win for Britain's Chris Ingram in the Juniors. He has a real big future in this sport !


6th June 2015, 19:41
Ingram has done fantastic in this rally.

6th June 2015, 19:41
Now it's time for the Juniors to finish last stage ;)
Who will get the 2nd position ??? Rökland has more experience but Gago has a very good pace at home this week-end :)

6th June 2015, 19:43
But did he look slow? Where you there? How can you be slow when you are fighting for podium. Only NOT quotes what you now are doing, or what?

i wrote ''look slow''
that doesnt mean he is slow.

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 19:49
Ingram has done fantastic in this rally.

I think he should get the CMR Flat-Out Trophy for sure.

6th June 2015, 19:51
Fantastic result for Diogo Gago on his home event !!!! :D

6th June 2015, 20:05
i wrote ''look slow''
that doesnt mean he is slow.

I´m sorry but for me it means the same. Let´s be fair Emil Bergkvist is not slow. He´s probably the best of ERC3 drivers atm. Standings shows it.

Fast Eddie WRC
6th June 2015, 22:14
Great rally scenery, cant wait for the highlights tonight.


6th June 2015, 23:29
Great rally scenery, cant wait for the highlights tonight.

I only just watched the day two highlights, pleased to see some decent weather enabling us to see the fantastic scenery. Excellent footage too.

Anyone know what the building on the edge of the volcano rim is?

7th June 2015, 03:14
Third ERC rally win in a row for Craig Breen ! :)

Think he has finally matured - now fast and consistent. And not affected by the 208T16 curse anymore... ;)

It seems Breen is in the right path. But Kajetan could still be his main contender...

7th June 2015, 09:41
It seems Breen is in the right path. But Kajetan could still be his main contender...

I think in total Kajto will stay only the second fastest driver in this years ERC, Breen is more experienced on an international level and probably also a faster driver than Kajto.

Luis Pacheco
7th June 2015, 11:03
Anyone know what the building on the edge of the volcano rim is?

An old 5-star hotel that opened in the end of 80s for a short time and is now abandoned.

A blight on the landscape.


7th June 2015, 16:32
Amazing photo

7th June 2015, 17:03
I think in total Kajto will stay only the second fastest driver in this years ERC, Breen is more experienced on an international level and probably also a faster driver than Kajto.

If Kajto wants to win the title he beter does all events from now, because he will need the jokers. I think also he can beat Breen in Ypres, should fit him very good those stages. I guess Breen will make a mistake again and also the stages are very rough for the 208.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk

Fast Eddie WRC
7th June 2015, 17:58
I think he should get the CMR Flat-Out Trophy for sure.

As expected and thoroughly deserved ! :)




7th June 2015, 18:03
An old 5-star hotel that opened in the end of 80s for a short time and is now abandoned.

A blight on the landscape.


Thanks. Seems surprising they couldn't make it work there with that view!

7th June 2015, 18:17
Thanks. Seems surprising they couldn't make it work there with that view!

Impossible to make it work. In the late 80's there were very few tourists in the Azores. Only in the last 20 year things started to change. Only in 2015 Ryanair and Easyjet started flying here. I expect that something will change in the next years and this bulding will be bought.....

7th June 2015, 18:52
http://www.autonews-magazine.com/blog/?p=43613&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook Rumors saying Azores wants to become the location for WRC Rally Portugal. It mostly depends on the financing in the North of Portugal before Azores has a chance I think, maybe we could see it as a warning from Azores region/organisation towards Eurosport. Eurosport already lost Jänner Rallye...

7th June 2015, 18:58
Well, four years a go Jänner Rallye came to Eurosport itself with a lot of money to buy the place in the calendar. I don't know how much a loss it is considered by ES. Maybe it is. I don't know.

About Acores. Is it possible to create more than 300 km-long event? I understand that already now there are some roads run in both direction in the ERC event and sometimes they are connected by quite useless top-speed asphalt sections. Maybe it's only a matter of current ERC format and it's possible to enlarge the route. I'm only asking. Is it also possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus? It's quite a lot different thing in size than ERC.

Luis Pacheco
7th June 2015, 19:28
About Acores. Is it possible to create more than 300 km-long event? I understand that already now there are some roads run in both direction in the ERC event and sometimes they are connected by quite useless top-speed asphalt sections. Maybe it's only a matter of current ERC format and it's possible to enlarge the route. I'm only asking. Is it also possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus? It's quite a lot different thing in size than ERC.

A utopia at all levels.

8th June 2015, 14:12
Ooops compilation from ES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj8Q8NmOKvE

More is here as usually: http://www.fiaerc.com/2015/sata-rallye-acores/?tax=videos

Luis Pacheco
8th June 2015, 18:16
How I miss the old fast stages...


8th June 2015, 18:24
Well, four years a go Jänner Rallye came to Eurosport itself with a lot of money to buy the place in the calendar. I don't know how much a loss it is considered by ES. Maybe it is. I don't know.

About Acores. Is it possible to create more than 300 km-long event? I understand that already now there are some roads run in both direction in the ERC event and sometimes they are connected by quite useless top-speed asphalt sections. Maybe it's only a matter of current ERC format and it's possible to enlarge the route. I'm only asking. Is it also possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus? It's quite a lot different thing in size than ERC.

It's possible to create an expensive 300 km long event, service Park had to be outside Ponta Delgada but will not be possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus.

8th June 2015, 18:25
Well, four years a go Jänner Rallye came to Eurosport itself with a lot of money to buy the place in the calendar. I don't know how much a loss it is considered by ES. Maybe it is. I don't know.

About Acores. Is it possible to create more than 300 km-long event? I understand that already now there are some roads run in both direction in the ERC event and sometimes they are connected by quite useless top-speed asphalt sections. Maybe it's only a matter of current ERC format and it's possible to enlarge the route. I'm only asking. Is it also possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus? It's quite a lot different thing in size than ERC.

It's possible to create an expensive 300 km long event, service Park had to be outside Ponta Delgada but will not be possible to accommodate the whole WRC circus.

Andre Oliveira
8th June 2015, 21:52


10th June 2015, 00:10
My first video from rally. I'm preparing two more

10th June 2015, 03:06
Second video

Luis Pacheco
10th June 2015, 12:24
Nice videos Ricardo. Well done.

10th June 2015, 14:22
... and last one. ERC3 and Junior

Jarek Z
15th June 2015, 21:49
How do you like Kajto's new video?

Luis Pacheco
16th June 2015, 15:06
Great video.

I also like this one and I appear in the first 10 seconds. :)


Jarek Z
16th June 2015, 23:45
I also like this one and I appear in the first 10 seconds. :)


Are you the "cowboy" at 0:09? ;)

Luis Pacheco
17th June 2015, 17:28
Yeap that's me.

Year after year this event arouses less interest among forum members. It's a question that comes from the time of IRC. Just pay attention to the number of comments. It is not a criticism on my part, just an observation.

17th June 2015, 17:42
Year after year this event arouses less interest among forum members. It's a question that comes from the time of IRC. Just pay attention to the number of comments. It is not a criticism on my part, just an observation.

It is question if it is problem of ERC or it is global. I see also in other forums, that there is less interest in discussion on forums about rallysport. I think one of the reasons is increasing of social media (mainly facebook and twitter), where you can easily talk via smartphones. People easily dont need forums...

19th June 2015, 16:56
Breen onboard - Sete Cidades 2

19th June 2015, 17:17

19th June 2015, 17:31
why doesn't eurosport offer full onboards of stages ? incompetence or stupidity ?

19th June 2015, 18:23
why doesn't eurosport offer full onboards of stages ? incompetence or stupidity ?

I'm pretty sure the man in charge for their contents is someone with experience in their channel where a video longer than 2 minutes is seen as a sacrilege and as a sign of the end of the world. When you work like that for decades it's not easy to see things in a different view.

I think his reasoning is: "LOL, look at those dumb guys of WRC that know nothing about tv, they pubblish 15 mins videos."
"What? Rally fans actually prefer full stage videos? Maybe just the most hardcore ones, but I don't care about them, I want all the casual guys that will share them on their Facebook profile. See here, 85% of videos longer than 2 minutes have less view, believe me I know what I'm saying. See here, most of that videos have cats and dogs, a pity we can not put a puppy in the cockpit but it is what it is. Do not make further user research I already know everything we need to know".

So, to answer your question, I think "incompetence" is the right one.

Luis Pacheco
19th June 2015, 22:35
A shame they not show comparative onboards from the first 3 km.

20th June 2015, 11:59
It is question if it is problem of ERC or it is global. I see also in other forums, that there is less interest in discussion on forums about rallysport. I think one of the reasons is increasing of social media (mainly facebook and twitter), where you can easily talk via smartphones. People easily dont need forums...

Sadly, I think its less interest in rallysport. Other series still get lots of interest, and some are growing even. This is the only forum were there is decent comments on rallysport.

20th June 2015, 12:28
I see the same in other forums, also forums that haven't got anything to do with rallying. I think many people initially join a forum just to get an answer on some question. Today there are many other ways to get answers to most questions (facebook contacts, facebook groups, throw it on twitter etc). I think the interest in rallying (except for ERC) is growing again in the last 5 years.

20th June 2015, 20:39
Well, it's difficult to say if rallying is attracting more or not.

I talking on other forums -not motorsport forum-, and all people think WRC is more or less a dead championship, that it was better before, in the beginning / mid 00's. And it seems it's really difficult to make people change their mind, moreover when they see that Ogier is more or less winning everything.

Reis Eduardo
23rd June 2015, 11:35
Kajto onboard SS7 Sete Cidades

Reis Eduardo
23rd June 2015, 11:49

31st January 2016, 01:47
I like SECCION 3
- SS8 Lagoa meo 2
- SS9 Pico da Pedra 2
- SS10 "Inside Volcano" 2
- SS11 Sete Cidades 2

31st January 2016, 12:14
Kajto onboard SS7 Sete Cidades

is it just me, or does this looks like an incredible dangerous place to drive?

31st January 2016, 12:51
is it just me, or does this looks like an incredible dangerous place to drive?

it is an incredible place to drive, one of the most beautiful stages in the rally world...

31st January 2016, 15:21
it is an incredible place to drive, one of the most beautiful stages in the rally world...
and danderous too... but just like many other stages all around the world...

31st January 2016, 17:00
and danderous too... but just like many other stages all around the world...

I have much more respect for a stage full of large trees