View Full Version : Speak up!!

Brown, Jon Brow
12th March 2015, 15:07
I'm a mumbler.

Maybe it's my Cumbrian accent? Or maybe it's just that I have sharp hearing so don't feel the need to shout?

But people just don't seem to understand me or even hear me when I speak.

Anyone else here suffer from this condition?

12th March 2015, 15:56
Will you please be my coworker?
Romanians have learned from their childhood to speak loud. Their voice has no variable registry, discretion, tones, shades. Everyone speaks in the same level- a ruthless percussion. It's like don't say what you can shout.

I use to don't speak loud and to don't bother the others. But I'm alone in a roar forest. I seek a calm oasis in the desert uproar...
But there's always someone to break the silence I long for. The most annoying is at work. There are at least two girls who keep talking and laughing loud about stupid things I don't care of. They also want to listern to a radio that scratches my nerves. I miss a low tone, some retention and discretion. Sometimes I look at them with hostile eyes and I cry my exasperation but they continue my mental torments.

But those still "misfits" like me must resign and to listen "live" the noise. We're free. It's democracy. We finished with elitism......
We are condemned to noise. For life.......:angryfire:

Brown, Jon Brow
12th March 2015, 16:31
I think one of the reasons I speak quietly might be because I don't want to disturb people not involved in my conversation. I find it very annoying when all you can hear all day is someone else's booming voice.

12th March 2015, 17:33
I'm sorry, did someone say something?


donKey jote
12th March 2015, 17:35

Big Ben
12th March 2015, 17:38
Yes. I suffer of the same condition. I'm a low talker. It's even been pointed out to me the irony that I'm a big man with a very little voice, like it's a little strange for 1.90m person to talk so low.

It can be troublesome at times. There were cases of people complaining I don't salute them. I don't talk that low but maybe I just sound much louder in my head.

It also doesn't help when I'm in a group of more than 2 people since I feel I need to shout to say something. Maybe it's a Romanian thing the fact that people thing it's ok to talk while someone else is talking if you can just talk louder than the other person. That's a battle I'm almost always losing. I don't feel I have anything to say worth shouting. Neither do the others but it helps they aren't aware of it.

12th March 2015, 20:48
I've long suffered from the same issue. Although less so these days.

Used to be that my parents were a little bit deaf so it literally didn't matter what I said or how I said it the answer would be 'what?' And I would have to repeat it.

Years of knowing that there's whatever you say won't be heard can be rather demoralising.

12th March 2015, 23:02
Just shout at everyone and it will all be ok. Ok?!

*** tried to type in uppercase like I was shouting, but the system edited back to lower case :(

16th March 2015, 06:13
We are condemned to noise. For life.......:

What about intimate inter-lewds, loud, or just a lot of talking dirty, :love: or both simultaneously :kiss::talk::kiss:?

16th March 2015, 09:22
Those should be whispered not shouted.

What about some loud meaningful good ol' romanian swearings directed to the one whose posts ask for them?
What about a noisy slap on the cheek of a cheeky person?

16th March 2015, 10:22
What about a noisy slap on the cheek of a cheeky person?

Spanky, spanky! :angel: