View Full Version : Brian Barnhart named as new Race Director

29th January 2015, 02:39
The king of not having a clue is back in charge. That pretty much does it for me as a follower of the series. To bad, I really enjoyed my involvement in the series back when it was real racing.

Bend over Brian, I'll give you four good ones.

29th January 2015, 18:49
Apparently, Brian "gimme 4 good ones" Barnhart isn't the only one without a clue - since he's still around - and once again RD.
It must be nice having a job you can't get fired from - no matter how badly and often you f-up.

2nd April 2015, 21:54
Lots of people were wondering why @ St. Pete it took so many laps before Race Control had the first yellow flags displayed for all the aero kit debris that was littering the track.

Good job Brian and Indy Car Race Control!

27th April 2015, 18:25
After this weekend's race more drivers are wondering about what Race Control does/doesn't do.

Keep up the good work Race Director (oxymoron) Brian Barnhart and Race Control (oxymoron).

31st August 2019, 20:00
Wow! I haven't really followed this series in years. But this clown is a like a disease that keeps coming back. Why in the world would they rehire someone who is a proven boob?!