View Full Version : Why was the Ebola cruise ship allowed to return to Texas?

19th October 2014, 13:57
An epic opportunity was just wasted. This ship was ripe for setting up a world class reality TV show. This show could probably last more than a couple of seasons. The setting is perfect. A cruise ship with thousands on board is not allowed to enter any ports in the world, and is escorted by the US Navy into wide open ocean. The ship is ruled by a paranoia. Several passengers sick with flu are brutally murdered, bodies dumped into the ocean. Coalitions are formed based on religious and racial affiliations. They fight for food. Eventually they run out of food, and start to fight for fish that was caught. The dead bodies resulting from these conflicts are just as likely to be dumped into the ocean as they are to end up in burger meat. Eventually, the survivors learn how to feed themselves, but now a new challenge arrives: the Somalian pirates or perhaps Hezbollah. Boy, I wish I was there!

19th October 2014, 17:24
Your imagination is as fertile as mine, I love this idea. The paranoia in this country is mind boggling.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10441071_1385536741727490_1072667338160425504_n.jp g?oh=0ef6478144ff5494f3432ccdea799d7a&oe=54ADD659&__gda__=1421759073_13b83b9dc44e41445d47c51983d5fc6 0


19th October 2014, 20:43
It's nice to make fun of it isn't it? The truth is that the reported number of cases in Africa is probably somewhere between 25% and 35% of the real number. This thing could quickly expand exponentially with dire results for Africa and the rest of the world. It's also true that various versions of the flu and other diseases are much more prevalent. The problem is that none of those have near the mortality rate of ebola. So cause for concern (as opposed to blind fear and reaction) is completely justified. The other issue is that the healthcare industry in the US is apparently unprepared to deal with the potential spread of the disease.

20th October 2014, 08:09
The world is a sh!thole - Build the fence !!!!!