View Full Version : Robin Wiliams RIP

12th August 2014, 10:03
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10592028_10154513198635707_1562108728_n.jpg?oh=c9d b588af7c348f65031d657aad54492&oe=53EB8AC5&__gda__=1407936404_a2e67c9ac93205bcd25cc621ada53af 5

12th August 2014, 10:18
Not exactly a big fan of his (over)acting, but he was good in Dead Poets Society! RIP.

12th August 2014, 11:46
I liked him. Esp. in The Fisher King. RIP

12th August 2014, 11:51
As Seth MacFarlane said today, the world is certainly a less funny place today. :(

12th August 2014, 15:21
It's a lot of pressure , to be expected to be "on" , all the time .

Seeing the out pouring of love from all that knew him , and all that knew him from his work makes me sad to think that , perhaps it could have changed his mind .

Some of the most beautiful things are the most fragile and fleeting .

Thanks , Robin .

12th August 2014, 15:58
Shame. I really liked him in Aladdin when I was a little one.

Very sad

12th August 2014, 17:33
Very sad news.

RIP Robin Wiliams.

12th August 2014, 20:39
Shame. I really liked him in Aladdin when I was a little one.

Very sad
But it was a cartoon. It was only his voice......:confused:

12th August 2014, 20:45
But it was a cartoon. It was only his voice......:confused:

The whole point of the character was his voice.

13th August 2014, 16:12
Not exactly a big fan of his (over)acting, but he was good in Dead Poets Society! RIP. My feelings as well. I also thought he was good in Good Will Hunting as well, rest in peace my man

14th August 2014, 03:59
R.I.P Robin Williams

You'll never be forgotten, fly high Robin.

15th August 2014, 14:10
The whole point of the character was his voice.

This is true. I remember as a child in the playground with my friends, all wishing we 'had Robin Williams's mouth'. odd way of putting it I suppose, but that is what we said.