View Full Version : Pickem! 2014 Rally Estonia - winner: bluuford

13th July 2014, 23:38
Pickem to the seventh event of European Rally Championship 2014, Rally Estonia.

MAKE YOUR PICKEMS (http://www.motorsportforums.com/listpickem.php?series=erc&round=7)

Closing date for pickems is: Thursday - July 17th, 23:59.

Top three contenders at the end of the season will win presents with rally topic (calendars, t-shirts, caps and maybe some special surprise). On attached picture you can find prizes from 2013 edition including official ERC review DVD in box, Skoda Motorsport cap signed by European Rally Champions Jan Kopecky and Pavel Dresler, model of Subaru Impreza signed by ERC PC champion Andreas Aigner and some other items related to ERC.


17th July 2014, 20:32
Dont forget, last four hours before deadline for pickems !

23rd July 2014, 12:54
winner: bluuford
second: Andre Oliveira
third: br21

championship leader: Filip

complete results of pickems Rally Estonia: HERE (http://www.e-pluto.cz/pickems2014_estonia.pdf)

23rd July 2014, 12:59
Congratulation to bluuford, who was able to utilize his knowledge of estonian drivers and roads ;)

23rd July 2014, 13:51
Yeah, bluuford seems good in other predictions besides weather. Quite good result for me too, where I can find the championship classification?

23rd July 2014, 13:53
Here: http://www.e-pluto.cz/erc_pickems_2014.htm

23rd July 2014, 14:50
Thx, pan Mirek

27th July 2014, 10:08
Yeah, I used my home advantage.. I am now looking why I put Lykjanuk so far behind :-P I did not belived that he manages to stay on the road for so long event with such a high pace. seems that he has improved a lot.

28th July 2014, 20:04
Thanks for the reminder, PLuto ! I would have missed the deadline for Estonia pickems if I haven't been tipped. ;)

And congrats bluuford - superb picks!