View Full Version : Posting a Picture.

14th February 2014, 17:07
I am sorry for the thread, but I want to post some pictures in various threads. (wow that actually sounds a bit dubious :p ).

I can post a link to a picture by pressing URL button above and inserting the web address, but I cant seem to actually imbed a picture.

I can press the "Img" button above but when I go to actually put the picture in, I get error messages telling me it cant judge what size my image is. Or says image cannot be posted.

With the last forum lay out I could just copy a picture and it would post.

I see others post images directly onto the page. So what am I doing wrong.

Its either me doing wrong or I my laptop works differently to my old one.

Any Idea? :/

16th February 2014, 13:02
Heeeelllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo out there........................ :rolleyes: Can anyone hear me. :p

17th February 2014, 10:25
I think it has to do with image sizing and such. I know even on the old forum it was more tricky to post IMG links than most forums that I've ever used are. I don't have an answer to your current question, but in the past I've used the method of looking at the code others put in their posts to figure out what I'm doing different than they are.

It was the same with Youtube links.... this forum worked different than most others I've used.

17th February 2014, 11:13
I think it has to do with image sizing and such. I know even on the old forum it was more tricky to post IMG links than most forums that I've ever used are. I don't have an answer to your current question, but in the past I've used the method of looking at the code others put in their posts to figure out what I'm doing different than they are.

It was the same with Youtube links.... this forum worked different than most others I've used.

Thanks for answering, no one else seems to either know how or just are not interested.

Thanks :)

13th August 2014, 23:25

28th August 2014, 13:41
I'm having trouble too....

12th September 2014, 16:24
Test (again)


13th September 2014, 18:43
I usually just link to my photobucket via the insert image icon above.



13th September 2014, 19:28
Just using tapatalk app and it works fine !297

13th September 2014, 19:43

13th September 2014, 19:48
And one more time