View Full Version : 15 post for a link wtf

Bogador Xp
22nd April 2013, 09:21
Why i must post 15 posts here to post a link?
I have made a WRC Highlight Video and cant post is :(

22nd April 2013, 09:41
Why i must post 15 posts here to post a link?
I have made a WRC Highlight Video and cant post is :(

Yes you can in 12 posts time! Just a simple device to stop spam postings with links to advertising etc. If you are seriously interested in this forum then patience will be rewarded. It isn't all about instant gratification you know ;)

Bogador Xp
22nd April 2013, 09:44
ok i understand that, but now you guys must wait 11 more post for my neu WRC Video ;)

22nd April 2013, 11:20
Just make sure you don't advertise your web-site or that link will be deleted :)

Bogador Xp
22nd April 2013, 11:52
hmm ok good to know, but if i link a youtube video with advertise, will that be deleted too?

22nd April 2013, 12:08
Youtube videos are ok :)

22nd April 2013, 17:33
Because this forum is for motorsports discussion and NOT advertising. If you are here to discuss - welcome :) . If you are just here to advertise, away with you! :D

donKey jote
22nd April 2013, 19:56
ahhh so there's a 15 post limit... now that explains a lot of recent posts :andrea:
(apart from baggy talking to his chair :laugh: )

Bogador Xp
22nd April 2013, 20:14
Because this forum is for motorsports discussion and NOT advertising. If you are here to discuss - welcome :) . If you are just here to advertise, away with you! :D

I think sharing a hand made video from rally is not advertising for something, i only want that people can see my video :D
And i dont think i get so mutch clicks to get money from it.
I do not make videos for money, I do it for the fun to create it, and every time i get better :)

for a long time i made a colin mc rae dirt video too ... but its a game, but if you want to see it, search at youtube forBogador XP

Bogador Xp
23rd April 2013, 00:46
Jeha, 15 Post, i can post links :D Have linkt my first part into the WRC video thread, i hope you like it. More part soming soon, the part 2 is as good as finished. Thank you for all the Informations, this thread can be closed. I try to be activ at this forum, but my eng. is very bad :rolleyes:

Bogador Xp
23rd April 2013, 00:48
Cant edit the other post, can some one delete it.

Jeha, 15 Post, i can post links :D
Have linkt my first part into the WRC video thread, i hope you like it.
More part soming soon, the part 2 is as good as finished.
Thank you for all the Informations, this thread can be closed.
I try to be activ at this forum, but my eng. is very bad :rolleyes:

23rd April 2013, 09:16
If you are interested motorsport and have a genuine interest in sharing and discussing your views, what does it matter that you have to contribute 15 posts before you can share a link?

Unless of course you wanted to share this link and never post anything here again, hence your annoyance at having to waste time with 15 posts :D

23rd April 2013, 10:46
Thank you for all the Informations, this thread can be closed.

Sorry but only a Moderator can decide whether a thread can be closed or not ;)

Bogador Xp
23rd April 2013, 16:28
@ henners88 - Do not be afraid I will continue to be active here. But my english is not so good and without Google translator is hard to find the right world, but its like a english

lessons ;)

@pino - i know, but from my side, i have all information that i want :)

23rd April 2013, 17:39
Look forward to seeing more of you in that case :)

23rd April 2013, 18:16
Why i must post 15 posts here to post a link?
I have made a WRC Highlight Video and cant post is :(
if the video is a cool 15 posts is not a problem

Bogador Xp
24th April 2013, 05:18
I hope the video is cool :D
But i dont have so mutch records of the wrc rally, so i only make 2 from the frist round.
For the secound round i give me more time and i hope it will be better than the frist two videos.


schweden will coming soon

15th May 2013, 23:57

25th May 2013, 19:24
There have been 2 or 3 new posters around the last couple of days and I find myself in a constant state of Paranoia about new members now after recent bouts of Spammers.

I posted a couple of sarcastic comments which I probably shouldn't have, but If they are legit and maybe brand new or niave about motorsport they might not have deserved the hostility.

I just hope if the are real people who want to join they stick around.

23rd July 2013, 09:26

ahhh so there's a 15 post limit... now that explains a lot of recent posts :andrea:
(apart from baggy talking to his chair :laugh: )

30th July 2013, 05:40
Hi all,

I caught the some of the spectator stage from Rallye Tatry whilst on holiday last week. I have some video and pics (nothing stunning but not poor either). Nothing commercial, just a car nut and his camera. I signed up here having searched and thought this might be a good audience. I see there is some older content here with mention of this rally, but not a lot very recent (ony a link and picture in the Czech forum).

Yesterday I wrote a post in what I think was going to be the correct section, to find I could not post any links at all until I have 15 posts.

I dare say having posted once (my report from Slovakia) I would post again, although it would be very occassional and by no stretch a regular. However I cannot muster 15 link less posts of any value beforehand. So if the post count measure is for preventing people sharing content from the start, it works. If it measure is for other reasons (spammers/robots etc) and someone wants to apply some discretion to my account then I'll share what I have. Otherwise, nevermind.

Looks like you have a nice forum otherwise.


31st July 2013, 12:01
GSB, the problem we had was that spammers are joining only to post links everywhere. We found that, once the 15 post limit was enacted the amount of spam dropped by about 90% immediately, once they'd realised it was no longer possible to spam us with links.

Unfortunately that means that genuine people get caught up in it too. However we do want to encourage people to actually participate in the forums, have something to say and be a part of the commuinty. Rather than simply post a video and then disappear for a year.

2nd August 2013, 21:12
I understand the challenge with spammers and 'bots.

3rd August 2013, 23:13
I dare say having posted once (my report from Slovakia) I would post again, although it would be very occassional and by no stretch a regular. However I cannot muster 15 link less posts of any value beforehand. So if the post count measure is for preventing people sharing content from the start, it works. If it measure is for other reasons (spammers/robots etc) and someone wants to apply some discretion to my account then I'll share what I have. Otherwise, nevermind.

Looks like you have a nice forum otherwise.


The pertinent part is in bold. Out of my 7600+ posts over 13 years, I have a total of 3 posts of any value. The last one was about 10 years ago, where I told a fellow named Daniel to buy 500 shares of Apple Computer at $40 and below. Apparently he did (though he denies it now). We don't see him around much anymore. But every now & again, I get one of those selfie shots that he's taken of himself (with his new iPhone - inside joke, there) and whoever his latest supermodel girlfriend is, standing on the balcony of his Monaco apartment.

Jokes aside and absolutely no offense intended, but until people get to know you at least a little bit, expecting them to care whether or not you post a video link is asking a bit much. But don't get me wrong; we need more good posters. So most of us would hope that we'd get a chance to get to know you and you'd get a chance to get to know us. And until you hang out here for awhile, you won't know that avoiding troubled, twisted, annoying people (like me) is always the best option.

So once you think about it, in the greater scheme of things, 15 posts really is not too much for the board admins to ask, since those of us who are here a lot find spam to be incredibly off-putting.

P.S. Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel - but ya didn't hear that from me.

5th August 2013, 12:28
Jag sums it up nicely, we like to see videos etc from existing forum members, and that's the key point, if you've just joined to post your video and nothing else, why? If we want to see a video made by a stranger then we can go to youtube and see millions of them.

5th August 2013, 20:35
I catch a bit of Motorsport on TV, I go to quite a few motoring (although limited Motorsport) events and I like to point and shoot my camera. Then share the results. If I take part in an event I love being captured on film by someone, likewise I like reviewing others snaps or footage from an event at which I was also a spectator.

I didn't register to change your forum. You have a policy that works for you which is good if it delivers the balance you want.

I can't help think there could be a healthy discussion on the Rallye Tatry as a result of seeing some of the pics. An ice breaker if you like. I could have started a topic just to discuss, but compared to what I wanted to post it seemed a bit weak on content. In hindsight maybe I should have.

12th August 2013, 00:24
ridiculous restriction - how can all other forums keep everything clean without this restriction and this forum can't?
why is sharing self made videos without posting comments a bad thing, especially if you have a separate thread for sharing videos?
and why is this applying to users who already have posted (less than 15) legitimate videos before?
if someone is watching videos (reading video thread) he couldn't care less about how many post this user has made - only thing that matters it if the video is good
there are lots of users who are just reading posts/ watching videos and occasionally want to share a video that they have made - why do you want to bully them to not use this forum
it's a public forum - if you want only videos from people you know then you should use a private Facebook group

not expecting an answer just want to let you know how stupid this restriction is and hope you get rid of it soon

12th August 2013, 03:44
ridiculous restriction - how can all other forums keep everything clean without this restriction and this forum can't?
why is sharing self made videos without posting comments a bad thing, especially if you have a separate thread for sharing videos?
and why is this applying to users who already have posted (less than 15) legitimate videos before?
if someone is watching videos (reading video thread) he couldn't care less about how many post this user has made - only thing that matters it if the video is good
there are lots of users who are just reading posts/ watching videos and occasionally want to share a video that they have made - why do you want to bully them to not use this forum
it's a public forum - if you want only videos from people you know then you should use a private Facebook group

not expecting an answer just want to let you know how stupid this restriction is and hope you get rid of it soon
To answer the last part first, this is not a public forum. It's a privately owned forum which the owner keeps available for most people to use. He also pays the bills to keep the forum up. Therefore, he can make any rules he chooses.

This is also intended to be, mostly, a discussion forum about racing and rallying. While videos can and do add interest to some subjects and in certain circumstances stand on their own, the discussion part is why the forum exists. Youtube exists as a place for people whose real interest is in posting or watching videos.

12th August 2013, 12:21
The reason the 15 post limit applies is that we were getting of the order of 40-50 spammers daily registering just to post links. The moderators and myself do this part time alongside other jobs, there's no way we can keep up with that level of attack, and putting in guess the word pictures etc doesn't work.

The 15 post limit meant that the spam went down from those 50 registrations a day to a more manageable 2 or 3.

So I think 15 posts is a small price to pay, in any case it's a discussion forum first and foremost, to talk about racing and rallying. The likes of youtube exist to allow video sharing for those not interested in contributing to discussions.

12th August 2013, 21:32
The reason the 15 post limit applies is that we were getting of the order of 40-50 spammers daily registering just to post links. The moderators and myself do this part time alongside other jobs, there's no way we can keep up with that level of attack, and putting in guess the word pictures etc doesn't work.

The 15 post limit meant that the spam went down from those 50 registrations a day to a more manageable 2 or 3.

So I think 15 posts is a small price to pay, in any case it's a discussion forum first and foremost, to talk about racing and rallying. The likes of youtube exist to allow video sharing for those not interested in contributing to discussions.

If it helps keep the Forum Spam free and makes it easier for you, thats fine with me.

Good stuff

13th August 2013, 00:09
For me it was spam free enough before this rule... but it will save you a lot of work as you explained.
I strongly disagree that forums are only to talk. it might of been so 15 years ago, but definitely not now. Forums are for people with the same interest to share everything about their passion and now a days videos are a big part of it.
Thanks for your answers. Your volunteered moderator work is appreciated! I hope you find more of them and can again be more open to new/ not so active users. So far this forum is not for me then. Take care.

13th August 2013, 12:08
For me it was spam free enough before this rule... .

But that's how it's supposed to look for you. Because the moderators are going in and deleting the spam before you see it :)