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View Full Version : Merry Yuletide everyone.

20th December 2012, 12:27
(That's Christmas for follows of New fangled religions ;) )

May your belly be full of Turkey and Sprouts and if you've been good boys and girsl, I hope Santa leave a little something in all your stockings.


20th December 2012, 14:10
Awwwwwwwwwww, thats lovely.

Wuv woo! :)

20th December 2012, 14:13
Thought I'd better get it in before the world ends tomorrow :)

20th December 2012, 14:14
Thought I'd better get it in before the world ends tomorrow :)

Can't do tomorrow - 'er indoors'd tan my hide if I am not around tomorrow...... ;)

21st December 2012, 13:10
Greetings to one and all.

And I sincerely hope none of us is given John White's Formula One Facts and Trivia or Geoff Tibballs's Motor-racing's Strangest Races by well-meaning relatives.

21st December 2012, 14:01

21st December 2012, 20:25
Merry holidays to everyone!

22nd December 2012, 14:31
nope no turkey no sprouts but plenty of Ham, meatballs, salmon, herring, sausages, liver paté, potatoes, eggs, cod, roe,
perhaps some reindeer meet and of course plenty of glögg, julmust and vörtbröd.

The Swedish 'julbord': a beginner's guide - The Local (http://www.thelocal.se/38096/20111222/#.UNXCy3dxWSo)

Swedish julbord - Sök på Google (http://tinyurl.com/d3vhry7)

A Traditional Swedish Julbord- Foodie Underground (http://foodieunderground.com/a-traditional-swedish-julbord/)

Where to find a Julbord in New York City | My So-Called Perfect Marriage (http://www.mysocalledperfectmarriage.com/where-to-find-a-julbord-in-new-york-city/)

You know julmust is the only softdrink that outsells Coca.cola during x-mas.

22nd December 2012, 17:24
nope no turkey no sprouts but plenty of Ham, meatballs, salmon, herring, sausages, liver paté, potatoes, eggs, cod, roe,
perhaps some reindeer meet and of course plenty of glögg, julmust and vörtbröd.

The Swedish 'julbord': a beginner's guide - The Local (http://www.thelocal.se/38096/20111222/#.UNXCy3dxWSo)

Swedish julbord - Sök på Google (http://tinyurl.com/d3vhry7)

A Traditional Swedish Julbord- Foodie Underground (http://foodieunderground.com/a-traditional-swedish-julbord/)

Where to find a Julbord in New York City | My So-Called Perfect Marriage (http://www.mysocalledperfectmarriage.com/where-to-find-a-julbord-in-new-york-city/)

For many, the best part of the festive time is the non stop eating, ranging from breakfast, lunch all the way to dinner.

Also known as Jul Brunner. :D

23rd December 2012, 09:15
I hope Santa leave a little something in all your stockings.

Santa retired. This man has now taken over that job:


23rd December 2012, 14:33
(That's Christmas for follows of New fangled religions ;) )

May your belly be full of Turkey and Sprouts and if you've been good boys and girsl, I hope Santa leave a little something in all your stockings.

actually its not, Yule or Jul (jul blot) is an old Norse tradition celebrated around winter solstice by
Vikings or Norse men of what today is Scandinavia. Basically it was a large offer festivity in honour of the gods to celebrate
that return of the light (after winter solstice days becomes longer until summer solstice).

23rd December 2012, 15:47
actually its not, Yule or Jul (jul blot) is an old Norse tradition celebrated around winter solstice by
Vikings or Norse men of what today is Scandinavia. Basically it was a large offer festivity in honour of the gods to celebrate
that return of the light (after winter solstice days becomes longer until summer solstice).

Funnily enough, I know that which was the reason for the post ;)

race aficionado
23rd December 2012, 18:13
I also want to wish you all a peaceful & joyous time as we end this year.
May 2013 be gentle with us all.

peace dam it!

:s mokin:

23rd December 2012, 18:57
Merry Christmas to all ! :)

24th December 2012, 13:35
Ho ho ho , and have a great season , all .

Dave B
24th December 2012, 17:18
Merry Christmas one and all. And may your god go with you, as somebody immeasurably funnier than me used to say.

24th December 2012, 18:24
Merry Christmas, everybody.

Oh! Don't worry about getting me a gift (now). I'm OK with you waiting for the after Christmas sales and getting me something even nicer on discount.

Merry Christmas! :wave:

25th December 2012, 00:15
Merry Christmas as the first to post on Christmas Day. I think I just saw Santa over my house with a brilliant 2013 F1 season.

25th December 2012, 08:03
Merry Christmas Day everyone!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

25th December 2012, 10:29
aki 13 and Mark, you've said it all!

25th December 2012, 11:13
Merry Christmas Day everyone!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

You turncoat. How come Facebook got a post with your new toy 4 minutes before the forum. :(

Happy Christmas (even if we are second best ;) )

And to everyone. :)

25th December 2012, 12:12
hehe :D . Facebook app installed before Tapatalk. (This post from my plain old iPhone 4S)

25th December 2012, 12:22
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a great day!

race aficionado
25th December 2012, 14:51

25th December 2012, 17:11
Merry Christmas to everyone who hasn't sent me complaints on Christmas Day and then get upset when I question why they are sending complaints today :rolleyes:

25th December 2012, 17:21
Merry Christmas as the first to post on Christmas Day. I think I just saw Santa over my house with a brilliant 2013 F1 season.

Do you think he's the one responsible for that large bag of what smells like coal under my Christmas tree?! :o

donKey jote
25th December 2012, 19:58




oh, and for balance:

race aficionado
25th December 2012, 21:13
You guys go all the way.

donKey jote
25th December 2012, 21:35
You guys go all the way.

Nochebuena was at the missus' :p



:burp: :andrea:

26th December 2012, 21:12
images of food

Ok here is what we ate during x-mas eve (julafton) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jul_%28Sweden%29) dinner. (click on images for larger).
(nr 14-19 are not visible in the pictures).

Hard boiled eggs with code roe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe#Sweden) and shrimps [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Vegstebles; cucumber, tomatoes & Bell Pepper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_pepper) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
cold smoked salmon [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Rödbetssallad ("Beetroot salad"). (http://www.cafenilson.com/2009/07/rodbetssallad-creamy-red-beet-salad/) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Cumberland suace [/*:m:7bziawq3]
"Julskinka" (x-mas ham). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_ham) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Pickled Herring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_herring) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Press sylta (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressylta) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
hard boiled potatoes [/*:m:7bziawq3]
leverpastej (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leverpostej) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Gravad lax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravlax) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
various cheeses [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Julmust (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julmust) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Meatballs [/*:m:7bziawq3]
janssons frestelse (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janssons_frestelse) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Omelette (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omelette) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Prinskorv (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prinskorv) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Spare ribs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spare_ribs) [/*:m:7bziawq3]
Various x-mas related bred, such as vörtbröd, (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6rtbr%C3%B6d)julknäcke (http://cdn.publishme.se/cdn/2/863285/images/2012/4_50a52d95ddf2b31d1a00277b.jpg) & delikatessknäcke (http://www.wasa.com/products/crispbread/delikatess/). [/*:m:7bziawq3]

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/8558/julbord1sm.jpg (http://imgur.com/aG352)

http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/6028/julbord2kopierasm.jpg (http://imgur.com/jYdHQ)

http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/4028/julbord3kopierasm.jpg (http://imgur.com/hV2eg)

26th December 2012, 21:17
Image 2 doesn't seem to load and I cant edit my post (no text or images just white background).

Here is another try with image 2:

http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/7036/julbord2kopiera.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/545/julbord2kopiera.jpg/)

26th December 2012, 21:18
error post delete

26th December 2012, 21:22
Ok here is what we ate during x-mas eve (julafton) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jul_%28Sweden%29) dinner. (click on images for larger).
(nr 14-19 are not visible in the pictures).

Hard boiled eggs with code roe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe#Sweden) and shrimps[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Vegstebles; cucumber, tomatoes & Bell Pepper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_pepper)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
cold smoked salmon[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Rödbetssallad ("Beetroot salad"). (http://www.cafenilson.com/2009/07/rodbetssallad-creamy-red-beet-salad/)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Cumberland suace[/*:m:3qshexiz]
"Julskinka" (x-mas ham). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_ham)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Pickled Herring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_herring)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Press sylta (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressylta)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
hard boiled potatoes[/*:m:3qshexiz]
leverpastej (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leverpostej)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Gravad lax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravlax)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
various cheeses[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Julmust (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julmust)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
janssons frestelse (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janssons_frestelse)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Omelette (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omelette)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Prinskorv (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prinskorv)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Spare ribs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spare_ribs)[/*:m:3qshexiz]
Various x-mas related bred, such as vörtbröd, (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6rtbr%C3%B6d)julknäcke (http://cdn.publishme.se/cdn/2/863285/images/2012/4_50a52d95ddf2b31d1a00277b.jpg) & delikatessknäcke (http://www.wasa.com/products/crispbread/delikatess/).[/*:m:3qshexiz]

27th December 2012, 06:07
I'd better get it in before the world ends tomorrow

27th December 2012, 08:00
Never thought to take pictures of the "porkies" we had for Christmas....

Anyway I had a hell of a Christmas. Was almost ready to finish with my life.

28th December 2012, 10:05
Well, my Christmas starts today.

The future ex-Mrs Knockie is flying in from Paddy Land this afternoon and the boys are back from London Tomorrow. My Mother is in from Spain, my Daughter will be here and we are planning on having a Family Christmas day on 1/1/13 (although I can't see the presents remaining unwrapped for more than 3 seconds after the kids get back).

It's been a lonely old Christmas without the Family, although I have been well looked after by some good friends taking turn baby sitting me ;) , but now it's time for Turkey and mince pies and hopefully a few posts on the :beer: thread :D